RE-LX - Semi-retired Ally looking for a few

Recruiting 2 for a Semi-retired Ally (RE-LX) that still wants to compete in this game but on our terms, not the terms of the constant commitment a highly competitive Ally requires.
Running a minimum of 1BG Map 5x5 (BG2 rotates 5&4, BG3 Map 4x5) and minimum 1BG War (Gold 3-Silver 1)
We understand life has it's commitments other than this game and if you still want to compete and enjoy the game, a fit here may be for you.
Running a minimum of 1BG Map 5x5 (BG2 rotates 5&4, BG3 Map 4x5) and minimum 1BG War (Gold 3-Silver 1)
We understand life has it's commitments other than this game and if you still want to compete and enjoy the game, a fit here may be for you.