Is Namor still Namor without suicides?

StellanStellan Member Posts: 322 ★★
What do you think? Are suicides a must for Namor?

Is Namor still Namor without suicides? 9 votes

Namor is amazing, even without suicides.
Thoye3Elshan_DadashovTheInfinty 3 votes
Divided - It's good but not absolutely necessary.
TerraLvernon15TheBestinTuakauOctoberstackBlueSky 5 votes
I believe it's what defines Namor's potential.
rahul9582084064 1 vote


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Divided - It's good but not absolutely necessary.
    They aren’t a must but they help a lot, give him a nice damage boost and the ability to heal a small amount, throughout the fight it adds up, and a lot of the time you don’t see recoil as most die to the first big s2
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