LOL Initial Clear Advice Needed

So I've decided to take a shot at an initial clear of LOL after putting it off for a long while. I'm building my team around 6* Domino with the Rhulk and Masacre synergies, but am not sure who I should bring to fill out the rest of my team with.
My top options are R5 Stark Enhanced Spidey, R5 Nick Fury, R5 Omega Red, and R5 CAIW. Any tips on who to bring to help get through the easy path with the least amount of resources?
Initial thoughts are to bring Sparky for the damage and evades vs War Machine and Nick Fury for the extra attack (10% while alive and 20% when dead), but not sure if I'm overlooking anything (Magik counter and Maestro fight come to mind...).
Any suggestions are appreciated...thanks!
My top options are R5 Stark Enhanced Spidey, R5 Nick Fury, R5 Omega Red, and R5 CAIW. Any tips on who to bring to help get through the easy path with the least amount of resources?
Initial thoughts are to bring Sparky for the damage and evades vs War Machine and Nick Fury for the extra attack (10% while alive and 20% when dead), but not sure if I'm overlooking anything (Magik counter and Maestro fight come to mind...).
Any suggestions are appreciated...thanks!