there is no alliance tag before my one of alliance member (he is in alliance)

Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417
From yesterday night, one of my alliance mate (SridSp) got the problem that he cant see any alliance events like aq/aw. he is in our alliance , but he cant see the alliance tag before his name, obviously he cant join the AQ we running. He restarted his game, phone but nothing fixed. We can see that he is in our alliance but the member cant see that he is in alliance. NEED HELP...


  • Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417
    need help asap... any moderators?????
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Moderators cannot help, you need to contact support for something like this.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Restarting the game has corrected this anytime I have seen it reported.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Has he restarted his game?
  • Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417

    Restarting the game has corrected this anytime I have seen it reported.

    I saw this thing a couple of days ago. I was frieked cause I am the leader of the alliance, cause if I leave ally that means our whole ally is disbanded. Then I restarted my game & saw that everything is fine, BUT THIS THING NOT FIXING MY ALLIANCE MATES PROBLEM...
  • Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417

    Has he restarted his game?

    YES, MANY TIMES, He even uninstalled the game & downloaded again...
  • Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417
    should we kick him & try to get him back again???? (but this **** cost us the map4 we running- no exploration :'( )
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    I think, and I stress this is not a certainty to me, leaving and rejoining an alliance will not affect activities, aside from AW seasons, a summoner is already participating in.

    That said it might be possible the bug is corrected by him leaving and rejoining but it might also be possible the bug prevents him from rejoining.
  • Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417
    I was also thinking the same...
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,733 Guardian

    I was frieked cause I am the leader of the alliance, cause if I leave ally that means our whole ally is disbanded..

    Just to lend a correction to this part.. If Leader leaves an Ally without first Promoting someone else to be Leader, what happens is that one of the other Officers will be automatically raised up to Leader by Kabam (not sure what algorithm they use, by rating, length of time in game, last active, ??)
    But the alliance does not automatically become disbanded.
  • Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417
    Thanx. cause I did not know this...

    I was frieked cause I am the leader of the alliance, cause if I leave ally that means our whole ally is disbanded..

    Just to lend a correction to this part.. If Leader leaves an Ally without first Promoting someone else to be Leader, what happens is that one of the other Officers will be automatically raised up to Leader by Kabam (not sure what algorithm they use, by rating, length of time in game, last active, ??)
    But the alliance does not automatically become disbanded.
  • Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417
    anyway, I kicked the member & asked him to join again, that did work. but we just lost 1 map4 crystal .... :'(
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