The only way you guys are getting my units before cyber monday is if you put out the og vision deal before then, certainly not gonna spend them on the lame pop ups and unit offers ive been seeing more and more of as cyber monday approaches, hopefully next time he comes back it will continue the trend and be at a markdown, maybe 2.5k for each tier, 5k total but to be honest i would bite on the 3k version as i thought it was fair...but it has been marked down each time so it would be nice to see that trend continue. Anyone else been waiting for him to come back or do most already have him? Anyway, just felt like its been awhile since we've seen him and i really want to add him to the squad, ty
The two Visions are more or less identical except for their awakened ability. AoU's awakened ability is that when you land a special attack you also power steal, which allows you to gain power from the target. OG's awakened ability is that periodically you gain power automatically, including at the start of the fight (the higher your sig level, the more power you get). In my opinion, gaining power automatically is significantly more valuable than stealing power, for a champion that burns power with every special.
i have this dumb fear that the vision deal comes and i feed him my gems and stones and then pull ghost shortly after but idk i have no techs besides a bunch of 5/50s ghost among them who slayed for me in V3 and who i use whenever i get the chance like uc eq but the 5/50 cant even go into act 6 but its still nice to have her, im well versed already so if the day ever comes where i get her ill be ready, i could still r4 her unduped even if i use all my stuff on vision ill have plenty of tech cats for her
idk i wish i could take a time machine back to her original arena where everyone was sleeping on her, myself included and she went real low. My bad for the paragraph you just happen to wish me my favorite and most desired champ in the whole game.
Hi Summoner,
Thank you for reaching back to us regarding the 5-Star Vision Offer. This is Mia and allow me to address this to you.
As of now, the 5-Star Vision offer is not yet available nor will it be available since we don't have any information yet from Our game team. But rest assured that if the offer will be available in the in-game store Our game team will send an in-game message to all players.
Thanks again for reaching out. If you have any questions about this let me know. Otherwise, if something else comes up submit another ticket and we'll be happy to help you out.
Best regards,
Kabam Support