Suggested idea for the upcoming 6 star champions

This could be a perfect opportunity to use reskins as 6 stars (I.e. Dark Phoenix, xforce wolverine). These characters already exist in the game files from being used in earlier event quest. It would make it easy as they will still use the same move sets, but you will feel like you have a new character because of the change to their costume instead of releasing the same champions in every other crystal. You could also make 6 stars champions that are exclusive to being only 6 stars. I would love to hear what other people think as well.
Hulk reskinned as grey hulk or awesome hulk
Phoenix reskinned as Dark Phoenix
Carnage reskinned as anti venom (redo abilities first)
Wolverine reskinned as Xforce Wolverine
Spider-Man reskinned as Spider-Man 2099
Electro reskinned as classic electro
Storm reskinned as 90s Storm
Captain America reskinned as Captain America (Bucky)
Ghost rider reskinned as ghost rider (Robbie Reyes)
Captain marvel reskinned as captain marvel (no mask)
Yellow jacket reskinned as Wasp
These are just a few ideas