Yondu's Interaction With Empowered Immunity and Thing

Hey guys,
When Yondu inflicts a bleed debuff, which inturn turns to armor break if the opponent is immune to bleed, doesn't gain power in empowered immunity node. Fighting against Guillotine 2099 for example. This might be intentional, but
Another Case, where when Yondu Inflicts a bleed/armorbreak(if immune to bleed) against thing, thing being immune to both doesn't lose rock stacks.
Bleed debuff is inflicted first then only comes armor break, so he should be losing rock stacks accordingly. But the A.I. is responding immunity only to armor break, not bleed.
When Yondu inflicts a bleed debuff, which inturn turns to armor break if the opponent is immune to bleed, doesn't gain power in empowered immunity node. Fighting against Guillotine 2099 for example. This might be intentional, but
Another Case, where when Yondu Inflicts a bleed/armorbreak(if immune to bleed) against thing, thing being immune to both doesn't lose rock stacks.
Bleed debuff is inflicted first then only comes armor break, so he should be losing rock stacks accordingly. But the A.I. is responding immunity only to armor break, not bleed.
She also has a chance to apply so hitting both a bleed roll and armor break roll would be difficult to achieve but possible.