Phoenix Special Attack 2 Damage Doesn't Scale Properly

In her abilities says:
Special 2:
Consumes up to 4 Fury Buffs, increasing Special Damage by 10% per Fury consumed.
So, i have full suicides, 30% (recoil damage) + Double Edge + Liquid Courage = 60% of attack
I checked her damage ( i have a 6* Phoenix ), I had 7 stacks of furies before the special attack 2 and after it drops to 3.
But, where is the damage per fury consumed ? where is the 40% ?
40% + 30% recoil and Double Edge + Liquid Courage and her special attack 2 deals only +/- 10k damage or less.
Does this work correctly?
I attached a GIF
In her abilities says:
Special 2:
Consumes up to 4 Fury Buffs, increasing Special Damage by 10% per Fury consumed.
So, i have full suicides, 30% (recoil damage) + Double Edge + Liquid Courage = 60% of attack
I checked her damage ( i have a 6* Phoenix ), I had 7 stacks of furies before the special attack 2 and after it drops to 3.
But, where is the damage per fury consumed ? where is the 40% ?
40% + 30% recoil and Double Edge + Liquid Courage and her special attack 2 deals only +/- 10k damage or less.
Does this work correctly?
I attached a GIF
You think it's normal ?
also remember all of that raises attack rating, not damage directly, there is a challenge rating calculation that goes into it.
But the 40% boost of 4 furies stacks consumed, looks like doest work. I cant imagine how her SP 2 does that low damage with those boosts ? she consumes furies to increase her damage it's like a recoil mastery.
you can see partially by trying her sp2 with less than 4 charges, does the damage stay the same, or does it go down. It is up to you to show these sorts of things.
at 40 seconds I do a sp2 with 5 furies, the damage is 178 for the small hits, and 1753 for the crit
at 1:29 I do a sp2 with 1 fury, the damage is 126 for the small hits and 1301 for the crit
that is a difference of 452 damage for the crit or about 30% more damage for the 4 buffs comparable to the 1, which is on par for what it says.
Shes consumes 4 furies and increases her special attack 2 damage by 40% right ? and recoil increases her damage by 30% right ? Total 70% increased damage. Where in the video / gif is clearly not noticeable. Or I’m just a bad mathematician, in any case, the developers will know better
Secondly the video does not test with/without recoil, or with/without suicides, it tests only the furies. and it proves the increase in damage with the furies work. Neither video shows a problem with suicides because that was not tested. You can spend the units to turn off the suicides to test it, but I know for a fact suicides will raise the attack because that is seen in the attack pane at party select time.
If you want to say there is a bug prove it.
Sorry, the diffrence it's 26.43%. With 5 furies you did 2622 damage and with 1 furie you did 1929. But, logicaly the damage was supposed to be 3970.9 ( total, with 5 furies ). But, it's very difficult to calculate the exact values. Do not forget that at the time when you did special attack 2 you had 5 stacks of furies. Which means that the fifth stack also increases her attack but she consumes only 4 stack's for a 40% boost.
I'm not saying that her SP 2 damage is not increasing with furies stack's but the problem/question is does it's scaling/increasing properly ?
Also no, it only uses 4 of the 5, it only increases damage based on the number of furies CONSUMED, which is maxed at 4
Special 2: Cosmic Firestorm – Cosmic fire, funnelled by raw Telekinetic power, into a deadly firestorm.
Gain 3 additional stacks of Phoenix Force.
Consumes up to 4 Fury Buffs, increasing Special Damage by 10% per Fury consumed.
it seems you really have no clue about how any of this works, which explains the lack of verification....
But you clearly see that her damage does not increase in the right way. I repeat, her damage with fury and without are different BUT the damage with 4 furies and recoil does not increasing increases in the right way. I wrote it right in the title of the topic. The topic name says " PHOENIX SPECIAL ATTACK 2 DAMAGE DOESN'T SCALE PROPERLY "
I see and have shown that her damage IS increased in the right way. You have not shown that there is any issue.
you have not shown either way, without you showing there is an issue Kabam is more than likely going to ignore this thread.
70% damage, so why the difference it's about only 30% ?
Liquid Courage and Double Edge increases only the attack rating and no the special attack's damage ( at least it should be or maybe it increases the special attack's damage too ).
If it's works as intended... is some kind of nonsense. Sacrifice 4 furies for a 40% boost but in the realities of the game
it's about 450-500 damage EVEN with RECOIL. As i said before, my 6* Phoenix does about only 6-7k damage with full suicides and 4 furies consumed. Anyway, the developers know better than me or you. There is a lot of secret and understatement in this game ( in terms of damage ).
Double Edge and Liquid Courage are ALWAYS ON, so just doing a special with 4 furies or none will not show a difference in damage from double edge.
recoil affects special damage only, so you can see a difference from basic attacks to special attacks, but not from special attacks to special attack.
here is another video, the same champions on the team, the only thing differnt is I turned off all attack mastery, the vast majority of the damage comes from suicides.
You will note in this video phenix has 625 attack on the champ select screen where as in the other video she had 1101. This is entirely suicides, glass cannon and the basic attack mysteries.
you will not this ones basic attacks are
192 medium
123 light
297 light
In the old video with suicides it was
228 medium
217 light
535 light crit
Again suicides and glass cannon. you will note these numbers go up properly as furries go up.
The sp2 damage in this one was
454 non crit, with 4 furies.
219 with no furies
So again a massive differnce without suicides.
If you always run suicides you are not going to see damage increases because of it, you have to turn the suicides off to see the difference. And you can see the differnce between with and without recoil the damage from basic attacks to specials.