Plat 2/3 AW, top 90 AQ ally needing one

About us:
We are an adult alliance, mostly US based, who's placed in Platinum 2 or 3 every season; we know what we are doing and what it takes to finish in Plat 2/3 in war. Generally we take the first couple of weeks of war pretty relaxed. We seem to run into shelling alliances in the first two weeks so we lose a lot. Then we'll really decide if we are going to go for Plat 2 or Plat 3. Everyone here is fine with an easy Plat 3 but everyone also ok to push a bit for Plat 2. If you want guaranteed Plat 2 or higher AW, this isn't place for you, please do not apply.

- No hard minimums for events! Our ally is active enough that we don't need to enforce minimums, we still hit all milestones minus arena. Be forewarned, this is NOT a retirement alliance. We keep track of scores in ally events; if you are just skating by, it will be noticed. We do not need minimums because everyone is very active. If you are not very active, please do not apply.
- AQ we are currently doing one bg in map 7 only 1-2 days, the rest in map 6. This gets us top 90 rewards.
- 10k minimum prestige.
- Prefer US timezone or highly compatible members
- No pressure to spend, no giving out of logins, no piloting, everyone plays their own account.
- Donations: Gold - 280,000 Gold, 29,000 Battlechips, 21,500 loyalty.
- Most people who join our ally are quick to say "OMG you guys are the most organized and well run alliance I've ever seen." Most members have been here over a year. Very organized and good alliance.
- If you got this far, and you think you’d be a good fit, let me know. Videos of war gameplay are not required but if you have some, send them. If not, send prestige and screenshots of champs. Thanks, have fun!

If interested contact Gregdagr8 on line ap.
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