Becoming uncollected.

I’m finally on 5.2.6 and about to go up against the collector. I was just wondering which champs I should bring in. If i should rank up any champs lmk too. THANKS



I have seen Ur images. It's quite good. I can suggest u with some of heroes above.
1.Spidergwen- she can evade sps, paralyze, powerlock.
2, mister sinister- he is immune to unblockable sps.
3.hype- get sp3 (charge fury when sp3 is ready.). Use powerboost . Continue sp3.
4, stark spidey , he also evades. And good critical rating.
5. Any powerdrainers or Ur fav champ.
Upgrade them to min r4.
(Note, I didn't used any of these champs. I used ghost with powerboost and attack boost . Spend 3 l2 revive.)
And I just completed on day before yesterday only.
All the best