Who to R4?

Just completed exploration of LoL and about to work on act 6 exploration. Debating best champs for it since I already have 5/65 Aegon, CapIW, Omega (those 3 max sig), Magik (awakened), Star Lord (110 sig) And corvus (unawakened) so debating where my versatility needs to come from.
Also got Stark Spidey, Gwenpool, SS, Iceman and AA (all only Spidey and Gwen awakened) already at R4 so my choices are between:
As a note I have 10 T2A so feel free to make a second suggestion in the comments and I'll also be exploring V1 and V2 so the more versatile the better. Thanks!
Also got Stark Spidey, Gwenpool, SS, Iceman and AA (all only Spidey and Gwen awakened) already at R4 so my choices are between:
As a note I have 10 T2A so feel free to make a second suggestion in the comments and I'll also be exploring V1 and V2 so the more versatile the better. Thanks!
Who to R4? 14 votes
Medusa (Awakened)
Venom the Duck
Dr Voodoo (Can be awakened)
Proxima (Corvus Synergy)
Wait for Ghost/Namor/Domino or other big hitters