Math is not adding up in AW

I've been noticing that we have 100% completed against two alliances and we have fallen short of the correct atack points. One alliance had 19 participants, 19 x 5 defense champs = 95 points, and we ended with 90. Our latest, image below, had 20 participants and we had 95 instead of 100.
Anyone else have this problem?

Anyone else have this problem?

And they miss 42 attack bonus
= 330 - 288 = 42
If his team only had 95 attacker kills, means opponents only had 19 participants during Defense Placement.
As others stated, then if a 20th opponent joined in just during attack phase, the stats page will show it as 20 participants (just not all were in on defense).
Attacker kills are not points. You get zero points in that category.
Your attack points come as the attack bonus. Empty nodes automatically get full attack bonus points.
But as it has been said, if you have 20 opponents and only get 95 kills someone on the other team didn't place their defense. Which is an advantage to you, not a disadvantage.