Community Guardians Titles & Sifting thru Mods/Admins Posts???

KeepinItRealKeepinItReal Member Posts: 229
edited October 2019 in General Discussion
Has the CG Program started & where's the Title? I maybe missing something, haven't seen any titles on profiles yet. I have seen consistent posts from certain accts that sound like they "represent" kabam. Also, several that seem to repeatedly challenge or play devils advocate to summoners asking sincere questions, updates on past things or sharing videos to show issues. It'd be helpful to know who's a Guardian & who isn't.

***Can ALL Mods/Admins posts be easier to find? Many threads have tons of posts to sift thru, it'd save us time "searching" for most recent info, updates, clarification if all the Mods/Admins replies could be at the Top, Start or End of each thread. I'd like to spend more time playing MCOC than on forums looking for accurate answers to various things. Thanks


  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    They aren’t displayed on the mobile version.

    Guardian is a title, it doesn’t ensure accuracy or quality, it can be an indicator but in my experience it’s best to judge posts on their own merit.
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    You can click on admin and it will take you to the comment
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Just tap their profile and you can figure out.
  • KeepinItRealKeepinItReal Member Posts: 229
    edited October 2019
    @GinjabredMonsta thanks, but would be helpful if it showed ALL their posts to get a clearer picture & any other info that might be missing/helpful.

    @CoatHang3r thanks, wasn't aware it wasn't on mobile. Agree, indicator of accuracy, but each post judged alone.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,752 Guardian
    Yes, this have been live for quite some time now. The orange or silver “stars” next to the # of posts (next to ppl's name) would be replaced with the word “Guardian”. For example, @DNA3000 shows as being a Guardian.

    From their profile (which defaults to showing their Posts that they have made), you can click on their “Comments” instead and that will show you any replies they have made within other people's posts.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian

    Has the CG Program started & where's the Title? I maybe missing something, haven't seen any titles on profiles yet. I have seen consistent posts from certain accts that sound like they "represent" kabam.

    No player not employed by Kabam, whether they are a forum Guardian or not, represents Kabam or is allowed to state they represent Kabam. The forum Guardians assist the moderators, but they do not have moderator rights and cannot act as moderators. They also have no special insight into what the development team is doing or thinking due to their Guardian status, nor are they allowed to represent themselves as if they do due to their Guardian status.

    The forum Guardians are held to a slightly higher standard of conduct when posting on the forums, but this does not preclude commenting or criticising the game or the developers respectfully. Mostly, it just means my sense of humor is now rated G for general audiences.
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