Boy, that calendar was a much bigger lure than I thought it would be. Congrats on Uncollected, now you get to set your sights for Cavalier next.
lol I personally don't think I'll be going for Cavalier for a while; I'd much rather those 5-star shards compared to just getting like 2-3% of a 6-star crystal at the end of each month. But yeah these new calendar changes definitely act as a more actively visible incentive to get new progression titles. It's pretty awesome. All I'm hoping is that Kabam considers making more changes to the calendar as you go up progression titles, like more gold... I mean come on what's 12k gold going to do? Not much.
Boy, that calendar was a much bigger lure than I thought it would be. Congrats on Uncollected, now you get to set your sights for Cavalier next.
lol I personally don't think I'll be going for Cavalier for a while; I'd much rather those 5-star shards compared to just getting like 2-3% of a 6-star crystal at the end of each month. But yeah these new calendar changes definitely act as a more actively visible incentive to get new progression titles. It's pretty awesome. All I'm hoping is that Kabam considers making more changes to the calendar as you go up progression titles, like more gold... I mean come on what's 12k gold going to do? Not much.
Personally, I find shards more valuable than gold, because shards eventually become gold. Shards eventually become almost everything outside of rank up resources. Shards become champions. Champions become dups. Dups become ISO. And eventually, an abundance of ISO becomes gold. Gold is just gold. At some point, you can't spend all the gold. But you always need more champions, more champion dups, and more ISO. The best way to get enough resources to rank up 5* champs is to get more 5* champs.
A lot of people think arena grinders get tons of gold from battlechips. And they do. But I haven't opened an arena crystal since the beginning of the year, and I'm still overflowing in gold. My gold keeps going upward, and its mostly from selling ISO from dups from crystal openings from shards earned in the arena.
But yeah these new calendar changes definitely act as a more actively visible incentive to get new progression titles. It's pretty awesome.
All I'm hoping is that Kabam considers making more changes to the calendar as you go up progression titles, like more gold... I mean come on what's 12k gold going to do? Not much.
A lot of people think arena grinders get tons of gold from battlechips. And they do. But I haven't opened an arena crystal since the beginning of the year, and I'm still overflowing in gold. My gold keeps going upward, and its mostly from selling ISO from dups from crystal openings from shards earned in the arena.