
Has the list of Avenger charges for Corvus been changed? I’ve always gotten 2 from Civil Warrior in AQ. A tech charge and an Avenger charge. Today, on map 5 in AQ, I did not get my Avenger charge. Has the list been changed or is this a mistake on Kabam’s side?
I used to play map 5 every series and have never gotten a charge from him nor from any quest. Funny how you can't produce any proof other than "I know I did".
If Civil Warrior was 2 charges, long time Corvus users like myself would have known about him.
You will note that civil warrior is not on that list.
I ran map 5 for like a year, I now run map 6.
I have a feeling when support finally tells you that you are wrong we will never hear from you.
It’s not the same at all. The reason I said a lot know, is because the letter I received from Kabam mentioned that there have been “a large number of contacts regarding this specific issue.” That isn’t tailored data, that is fact. The other would be a rumor. I spoke with a friend and he believes it was a bug and that they are trying to fix it. I have no idea. I was simply asking why I was getting a charge and no longer am. I know he’s not tagged, just like cap WW2 isn’t. It makes sense that they both wouldn’t give a charge. But the point, is that he was giving one. Their letter should answer mine and the other contacts on why this was, though I believe my buddy may be right and that it was a bug they are in the process of correcting. We’ll see.
They often do that when they have a lot of pending tickets
It is the same, because you dont really know if a lot of people know, in fact you are going off hearsay, because we dont even know if their message is correct. People in the bugs section get that response a lot, even when they eventually say there is no bug.
Nop it not a bug and neither what u send was just because ther didn’t read what u told them ther just automatically responded to you with a copy pass messages