Where to progress

I need some help on what to work on. Currently I have cleared 6.1.1 once. I have yet to finish act 5 100%. I have not tried Variant or LOL. Attached is my roster. My Corvis should be rank 5 in the next few days. I am wondering what I should work on.
Is my roster good enough for 1 run through LOL without using too many revives or units?
Should I try to push to finish 6.1?
Should I try to clear the first chapter of each of the Variants?
Or should I stay the course and continue grinding out to 100% of act 5?
I know this is an open ended question and it depends on skill, luck and ability but I am just hoping for some guidance from senior players.
Thanks in advance.
When I’m bored I just use some fun, lower tier champions and run through lower tier quests, just to experiment