There is a crazy synergy between Nick Fury and IM (both OG and IW), Punisher2099 and Civil Warrior which benefits all champions in the team, which totally bypasses freeze/burn. If you are lucky enough to have him.
Otherwise, just use incinerate-immune champs and do not hit into their block.
I used emma, havok, void, night thrasher, and colossus.... Also could have brought iceman but didnt.... Pretty much used emma for the whole path, she has a synergy with colossus that makes it alot easier to stay in diamond form for when u need the immunities
All the champs so far said are great. I used Domino with the Mas and Rulk synergy. Parry and Heavy. I also have Pacify meaning on stuns the enemy has -45% Ability Acc and I never saw anything from the node happen on all fights.
Colossus, Havok, Human torch, Ice man, Night thrasher, Sun spot, Mephisto (Gains power instead of damage), Vulture (Needs dupe), Void, Emma frost (In diamond form), Red hulk, Quake, Ghost (With synergy’s), Cap IW (With synergy’s and high sig). I was thinking Bishop might work since he has such a high energy resistance, plus he’ll gain a load of prowess.
Colossus, Havok, Human torch, Ice man, Night thrasher, Sun spot, Mephisto (Gains power instead of damage), Vulture (Needs dupe), Void, Emma frost (In diamond form), Red hulk, Quake, Ghost (With synergy’s), Cap IW (With synergy’s and high sig). I was thinking Bishop might work since he has such a high energy resistance, plus he’ll gain a load of prowess.
Iceman, Sunspot, Mephisto, Ghost (phasing), I guess Emma Frost too? Colossus now after his buff...
Otherwise, just use incinerate-immune champs and do not hit into their block.