Kabam Appreciation Post

I'd like to share my appreciation towards Kabam as this bug continues to affect everyone.
I've seen so many people complaining, and hating on Kabam for the bug. Kabam hasn't enjoyed this bug, and have been working on it for 7 hours.
I'm sure many employees have worked overtime trying to solve this, and I would like to thank them.
The mods have been with us for 5+ hours, just chatting and having a good time while they wait for the fix.
Thanks to the mods for hanging out, and answering questions. I had a blast reading the answers to some questions.
I've seen many people demanding 5* crystals, or 6* shards as compensation. I understand you want rewards for having been inconvenienced, but be realistic.
We will almost guaranteed be getting the full rewards from today's event, and that is plenty of shards already.
I'd be happy with comp, but I'm very happy to be able to play this game I enjoy so much as they push out the fix.
Props to Kabam for working so hard, even when you aren't appreciated.
It means a lot to me, and many other summoners.
~ BananaGrant
I'd like to share my appreciation towards Kabam as this bug continues to affect everyone.
I've seen so many people complaining, and hating on Kabam for the bug. Kabam hasn't enjoyed this bug, and have been working on it for 7 hours.
I'm sure many employees have worked overtime trying to solve this, and I would like to thank them.
The mods have been with us for 5+ hours, just chatting and having a good time while they wait for the fix.
Thanks to the mods for hanging out, and answering questions. I had a blast reading the answers to some questions.
I've seen many people demanding 5* crystals, or 6* shards as compensation. I understand you want rewards for having been inconvenienced, but be realistic.
We will almost guaranteed be getting the full rewards from today's event, and that is plenty of shards already.
I'd be happy with comp, but I'm very happy to be able to play this game I enjoy so much as they push out the fix.
Props to Kabam for working so hard, even when you aren't appreciated.
It means a lot to me, and many other summoners.
~ BananaGrant
People forget that there's nothing perfect in this world and there will be issues everywhere... And MCOC is no exception...
Still they made a fabulous game so engaging that people can't live without it for a half day....
I'd like to think that's something worth appreciating no matter the bugs/issues...
Didn’t you also feel the arbitrary gates introduced in 6.2 were a good idea.. and yet kabam is removing many of them for 6.3 as they realize it is more of a hinderance..
you seem so out of touch with the general community.. but hey we are all entitled to our opinions..
Thank you Kabam for this.
For me being, a very unskilled player working so hard to reach the end, only to have my "I barely made it there" victory become invalidated, after waiting hours for the game to go back online.
But seriously, it's (not usually) the devs nor the hard working Kabam employees on the front lines that deserve blame. It's whoever are in upper management who decided that it's ok to keep the game active while the bugs are still in effect.
If Kabam's upper management has any conscience, they should do emergency maintenance again and take the game offline. As a means to prevent unsuspecting users from continuing to spend resources / money while the bug is active.
I didn't enjoy 12.0, and I didn't enjoy the Act 6 restrictions. That's very different from what happened today. The team didn't plan this out, like they did for other content. Please don't go around spewing negativity at a team who is often overworked and underappreciated.
If I were you, I'd expect about 2500 5* shards, with 5-10 5* Sig Stones, along with various potions/revives/energy refills
It is
There's a screw up in the game.. it happens.. they are addressing it.. and some ppl take it too personally maybe.. there have been many people offering legitimate courses of action to kabam, such as leaving the game in maintenance mode until the whole game is working properly. Or canceling this series of AQ and rewarding from previous series (which has been done before). Kabam does not want to do that.. so that is causing frustration.. so people are going to express that frustration..
This is a game which doesn't actually cost anyone anything but time if they so choose.. so getting angry over it doesn't seem justified to me.. but to each their own.. I find it somewhat disingenuous for you to come on here and suggest that people shouldn't be complaining.. I get that due to kabam you are able to make a living.. but i'm sure kabam is able to remove inappropriate posts or ban people on the forums if they feel they are being too negative..
Seriously - I'm asking sincerely.
I haven't been as invested in the game as I am now, but I don't think I've encountered a past instance where they gave the community back something over a mistake they made. If they did, I likely missed it. Could you please sight an instance when they did? I am genuinely curious.
I just want this to be a place where we can show Kabam people are appreciate of what they do on a daily basis.
I understand some people are upset, and rightfully so. It was a long downtime, and many people lost AW/AQ because of it.
I've never been a super fan of Kabam (they nerfed my SW) but I feel people often overreact.
I've been playing for 4 years, and this game has become a big part of my life. I've played many games over the years, but I've never seen a community so negative towards the developers.
I understand that without complaining, we would never get fair rewards, but this day has been crazy for us, and crazy for the devs. The amount of complaining has been overwhelming, and it isn't healthy.
I do trust the developers, and I know they are working on a fix as we speak.
As mentioned in another thread, putting the game in emergency maintenance would cause more negativity. I can understand why some people see this as the right move, but it really isn't at this time.
As always, thanks for lending your opinion on the matter. Community discussion is always important, and it's nice to view other opinions on the matter.
I do agree about the negativity.. however in all honestly that is somewhat justified.. there have been many instances where kabam has shown they can't be trusted... Changing text for champs.. nerfing champs that preform well for end game content.. introducing aspects such as diversity then wanting to remove them.. removing items from inventory with no notice.. and in some cases they have admitted to making mistakes.. which is fair.. we all make mistakes.. but when you don't own up to them or are not good at communicating with your customer base (which kabam has admitted they aren't and will try to do better), leaves a bad taste in the mouth of the customer.
I do have to give Miik credit for the open chat during the initial downtime.. I'm sure they knew they'd get a lot of angry/frustrated people.. but it was a good way to communicate with us.
I feel I should elaborate on why this is.
I've been a player for 4 years, and I've seen some mess ups by Kabam. 12.0 was crazy, and possibly the worst thing we've seen to date. This is where you blame Kabam for what they've done. A bug isn't like this at all. They don't choose whether the bug exists or not. This gave me a chuckle. No, I'm not Brian Grant everyone.
This game can be played for free for YEARS. This game bring people together daily that may never have met otherwise. Like anything in life, it's not perfect. Today is just a rough one. Being a cliche Kabam hater doesn't make you cool, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't make you or anyone happy. I guess it's a form of catharsis for some, so it is what it is. However, some of us choose to make the best of things even when they're at their worst.
This has got to be one of the worst situations I've ever seen in this game to date of the 3 years I've been in it. 12.0 was a different animal so I can't begin to compare this situation to that one. Of all the crashes, bugs, and kooky things that have occurred, this is one of the worst (short of the overheating debacle... that was crazy). Yet, much like life, the game goes on. Eventually, this will be rectified. They've already acknowledged that they plan to do what they can to right all the wrongs to the best of their ability. Handing out random rewards probably isn't on the to do list, but giving what we missed out on I would imagine is.
It's a little ridiculous when people state that Kabam doesn't know what they're doing. If that were true, this game wouldn't be coming up on its 5 ywar Anniversary next month. Occasionally, unfortunate stuff occurs. Today is one of those days. They're doing their best to fix it. People aren't going home and are staying at work so we can have a better gaming experience. That's pretty cool in my book.
Yes, I'm frustrated I can't play certain aspects of the game right now without problems. It is frustrating. However I appreciate that they're working to fix it so all of us can get back in it. If you've ever worked a day in your life in any job that requires taking care of customers, you know full well some will NEVER be happy. If you know how that is, try to bare that in mind before unleashing your frustrations on the crew that maintains the game that has brought some of us YEARS of entertainment for free (or paid for by choice). On that note, thanks Kabam. Some of us know the crew is doing their best. Best of luck on resolving the issues sooner than later.
I feel content isn't made as it was a few years ago. It is very rushed, and often times disappointing.
We had a highlight last year with October, and those events are the ones I think the community really appreciate.