This is what compensation should be....

3x - 30% champion boost
10x - Greater Arena boost Crystal's
Side quest compensation:
750 T5B frags
4500 T2A frags
250 - 6 star shards
2000 - 5* shards
1500 - 4* shards
1200- 3* shards
5 - 5* sig Crystal's
1 -5x 4* generic sig stone
1x -5x 3* generic sig stone
75,000 gold
AQ compensation:
2000 glory
3 - map 6 Crystal's
5 - map 5 Crystal's
3x - 60% revive
5x - lvl 5 health pot
1x - 20% champion boost
1x - 25% greater health boost
1x - 20% greater attack boost
10x - Greater Arena boost Crystal's
Side quest compensation:
750 T5B frags
4500 T2A frags
250 - 6 star shards
2000 - 5* shards
1500 - 4* shards
1200- 3* shards
5 - 5* sig Crystal's
1 -5x 4* generic sig stone
1x -5x 3* generic sig stone
75,000 gold
AQ compensation:
2000 glory
3 - map 6 Crystal's
5 - map 5 Crystal's
3x - 60% revive
5x - lvl 5 health pot
1x - 20% champion boost
1x - 25% greater health boost
1x - 20% greater attack boost
Just relax the game will be back up, one week of less rewards won't kill you.