Looking for new alliance after long time hiatus
Hi, looking for a relaxed alliance to play with again after a long hiatus. Not looking for intense daily grinders, but willing to aid new and young alliances who want to grow in Alliance Wars in particular. You can search me in game (JCHRXY), but some general stats:
Summoner Level: 57
Hero Rating: 346142
Top 5*s 3/45: Magik (duped), X23 (duped), Mordo, Killmonger, Ultron
Top 4*s 5/50: Medusa (duped), Stark Spidey (duped), Blade (duped), Ghost Rider (duped), Sabretooth (duped), AA (duped), Nightcrawler (duped), Sentinel(duped), Void (duped), Venom (duped), Yellowjacket (duped), Modok, Emma Frost, Domino, Scarlet Witch (duped), Omega Red, Vision (AOU) (duped), Yondu, Gamora (duped)
Hoping for a chill alliance to ease me back into the game, willing to use other chats like line but do chat with me in game first!
Summoner Level: 57
Hero Rating: 346142
Top 5*s 3/45: Magik (duped), X23 (duped), Mordo, Killmonger, Ultron
Top 4*s 5/50: Medusa (duped), Stark Spidey (duped), Blade (duped), Ghost Rider (duped), Sabretooth (duped), AA (duped), Nightcrawler (duped), Sentinel(duped), Void (duped), Venom (duped), Yellowjacket (duped), Modok, Emma Frost, Domino, Scarlet Witch (duped), Omega Red, Vision (AOU) (duped), Yondu, Gamora (duped)
Hoping for a chill alliance to ease me back into the game, willing to use other chats like line but do chat with me in game first!