He’d need some kind of tech chair with lasers/rockets or something as while he’d be OP against most people with a brain, his psi attacks won’t work against robots or those with an immunity such as Magneto or Juggernaut.
Although he did have his legs restored at certain points, but I don’t think they’d go that route.
Since his primary ability is the ability to control other's minds, instead of his light and medium attacks be him hitting people with his overchair or punching... I would love to see him making the opponents punch themselves muahaha
He was also able to walk before being crippled but that’s not the point. Xavier’s strong character is defined by the fact that he’s able to overcome his physical handicap by using his mind. Many able bodies have tried and failed to lead the X-Men but Xavier succeeds not because of his physical prowess but his morality, personality, and intellect.
they should add prof X. I agree earlier post all his attacks should be energy. Magnetos basic attacks are all charged with energy. but give prof X and Magneto a crazy synergy together! Like 3x energy damage or something like that.
There's a real option there for most/all energy- and indirect-attacks so not easy/viable to parry him.
Although he did have his legs restored at certain points, but I don’t think they’d go that route.
Yes, it is the best.
He's the best version to use tbh