For all sigil holders

On this month i really dont have to say how much of bad and annoying things has happened to all of those playing the game.
But for me as someone who's paying kabam on a monthly basis the response from the game team really got on my nerves...
The game crashes on such a high level(right on my day off lol) and still nothing from kabam not even a little something just to show me they are sorry for all that happend and a real big compsation its on his way...still have rewards stuck in my inventory still no aw rewards and nothing to look up to.
For now im not renewing my sigil when its done and honestly i dont think I renew it at all.
With all due respect to the game team they got to do something right now as in yesterday in order for me to spend another dime on this game.
Do you feel the same?
But for me as someone who's paying kabam on a monthly basis the response from the game team really got on my nerves...
The game crashes on such a high level(right on my day off lol) and still nothing from kabam not even a little something just to show me they are sorry for all that happend and a real big compsation its on his way...still have rewards stuck in my inventory still no aw rewards and nothing to look up to.
For now im not renewing my sigil when its done and honestly i dont think I renew it at all.
With all due respect to the game team they got to do something right now as in yesterday in order for me to spend another dime on this game.
Do you feel the same?
It will massively depend on the type of compensation they will give on the recent events. I don't beg for hand-outs and usually I am the cool-headed guy that puts reason before acting out or jumping into conclusions. But these past couple of weeks have been a disaster. It's not so much the premature end of the war season (which was certainly the right thing to do) but it's been a very late response and communication to the community from their side, even to explain that not only the compensation for the latest game instability issues will be delayed, but even the war season rewards themselves will be delayed too. Not to add a very late response and acknowledgement of new bugs (Aegon's combo-shield broken) and some persisting ones (Medusa still taking damage from KM's reverbaration with his armor broken, Symbiote Supreme does not seem "fixed" at all...) from their side. Literally, problems have to be reported again and again just to draw some attention or some response to them.
In short, the type of compensation they give to the player base, will determine how much they realise their image has been damaged and how much they care to make it up to the community. Which in turn will determine my future purchasing policy.
Look, everyone is entitled to their opinion...and if you feel like that, it's your right to do so...BUT in all fairness, the game has been "pretty stable" last year or so. We went through a real bad patch where the game bombed out every other day and "emergency maintenance" was the norm. Think Kabam's response back then was something to do with the 3rd party who handled their servers or something...can't remember...
With regards to their communication, at least they are communicating for once. Things will break or bug out, that's just a fact of life...but at least keep people in the loop so they know what's going on. To their credit, Kabam's correspondence during the mess last weekend was continual, so that was good. Think what's getting to people now is not knowing when to expect their AW rewards (and compensation...people lose their minds when there's talks of compensation or rank down tickets...hahahaha)
Kabam has promised multiple times that they'll be sending compensation, so be patient. Let them sort out this obviously big mess and don't expect immediate action.
The sigil has benefits to you or it does not, and choosing not to renew is not going to change anything at all with how Kabam is handling this situation. You might as well threaten to hold your breath.
I like the Sigil because of the extra units, 5-star shards, gold, Black Market store, and inventory cap. I see no reason for me to stop using it.
If everyone that claims they are leaving the game if X and Y does not happen left the game, then Kabam would have gone under long ago. But they don't leave, they just keep on keeping on, and Kabam does as well. Most have already forgotten about the happenings last week. Move on as well and enjoy life. Kabam will get around to taking care of things as they always do.
After all is said and done, we need to support this company...for all we’ve done for them.
That’s not a typo.
It’s insanity.
On one hand I’m so frustrated with the state of the much time and money I spend ...and the game has become so bloated and broken....
On the other I love playing the game when it does work and I love Marvel and the MCOC community who are a bunch of irreverent, smart nerds!
And it’s insane because we are obviously smart or we wouldn’t be here....
BUT because we have INVESTED so much...
We are now IRRATIONAL:
Bottom line there are no guarantees that the game will ever work “as intended.”
Over and over, we are reminded there is no “luck” in this game...
So OUR QUESTION is, until the company can in guarantee...OUR INVESTMENT in this game is SAFE.....
....why are you spending again?
It’s a legit question. Video game companies can go bankrupt too...
i just bought a daily crystal yesterday. So I am invested ...or insane ...trying to figure it all out. Lol.
You can make fun of that ....but someone has to pay for all these fixes
...might as well be me!