Help me love corvus

So a while back i pulled a 6* corvus but i never really found him that great. Yes his damage is great but the downtime on his charges just rubs me the wrong way. Today i pulled him again, so now i have him duped. I have all the resorces to take him to r2.
Can someone help me see the light here? I have 100% 6.1 and i need champs to help me through 6.2 and 6.3
Can someone help me see the light here? I have 100% 6.1 and i need champs to help me through 6.2 and 6.3
He is amazing in some maps on 6.2 and he helped on 6.3, but needs to be pretty boosted to help with the ramp up.
He is amazing in both War (with the right matchups on your path) and AQ.
Try him in 6.2.3 and 5. Also 6.3.4 and 5 and see how you like him.
Many ppl would kill for a dupped 6* Corvus, so rank him up and get practicing
He is great for opponents with rating lower than 40k. It means he is useful for war, dungeons, event quest, story quest to bosses. He can end the fight very quick, so quick that you don't need to be careful about defenders abilities. That helps in many ways.