How good is Blade 5 star still? Worth a skill gem?

ddomddom Member Posts: 572 ★★
My main team is
all 5stars ( my 6 stars suck)

Sig170 R5 Cap IW
Unduped R4 Emma
Unduped R4 Killmonger
Unduped R4 Hulk Rag

1 of these other guys
Sig 40 R3 Archangel/Unduped R3 Domino/Unduped R3 IMIW/Maxed 4 star Scarlet Witch/Max 4 star Hyperion/Max 4 star void

So I just pulled 5 star blade and I have a skill gem (was saving for Aegon)

Do you all think I should push him up? (I don't have starky or GR at 5 star)

Is he worth R5 and/or Awakening gem?


  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Blade is definitely worth awakening, but aegon needs the awakening more haha.
  • ddomddom Member Posts: 572 ★★
    who is more useful for ACT 5 Exploration?

    Blade, Emma Frost, Hulk Rag, Archangel or IMIW?
  • StellanStellan Member Posts: 322 ★★
    Screw that Blade, focus your resources on that Domino and Archangel! Max those godly mtfkers and when you finally pull that sweet Aegon you've got the awakening gem all ready for him.
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