AQ modifiers. Optional or mandatory?

Dear kabam,
You have said on numerous occasions that these modifiers would be a OPTIONAL way to add additional rewards to the usual rewards we get. I, along moth many others I have talked to feel that this is indeed not the case.
Because you have attached a significant amount of “ranked points” to the honor point reward, you are completely altering the ranked reward atmosphere. Top tier alliances are obligated to activate these effects purely to stay relevant in ranked scores, regardless of the honor rewards (which are pretty mediocre, but that’s beside the point). If we do not participate in these global buffs, then we are shooting ourself in the leg, and tanking our ranked score. In order to maintain the same rank we always hovered around we are REQUIRED to activate these effects along with everyone else.
If you want to stay true to your word and make this a optional feature, then you should remove ranked points entirely, and let people choose if they want to add the honor rewards on top of their normal reward (instead of forcing people to participate just to maintain the normal rewards)
You have said on numerous occasions that these modifiers would be a OPTIONAL way to add additional rewards to the usual rewards we get. I, along moth many others I have talked to feel that this is indeed not the case.
Because you have attached a significant amount of “ranked points” to the honor point reward, you are completely altering the ranked reward atmosphere. Top tier alliances are obligated to activate these effects purely to stay relevant in ranked scores, regardless of the honor rewards (which are pretty mediocre, but that’s beside the point). If we do not participate in these global buffs, then we are shooting ourself in the leg, and tanking our ranked score. In order to maintain the same rank we always hovered around we are REQUIRED to activate these effects along with everyone else.
If you want to stay true to your word and make this a optional feature, then you should remove ranked points entirely, and let people choose if they want to add the honor rewards on top of their normal reward (instead of forcing people to participate just to maintain the normal rewards)
If the modifiers were mandatory then you would have to enable them, there would be no option to decide not to pick one.
In optional you there is an option to do them or not.
What you are doing is taking your reasoning for that choice, which is to "stay relevant" (a code phrase for keeping your place) and placing your choice on others. That is not how optional and mandatory works. IT is YOUR choice that is making it mandatory for you. Right now the the modifiers are optional, you can decide to do them or not, again your reasoning for that choice does not impact the mechanics.
So overall is very much more than 7.2m in topmost example.