Please Bring Back the Team Arenas

I've played this game for a long time. The last team arena that was released was for Ant-man and Yellowjacket. Please bring back the team arenas, maybe coincide it with the next Marvel movie that is released. Everyone wants new alliance events like bases, but an arena that benefits an entire alliance would be new for the majority of players since it has not been used in over two years.
I'd also like to see a 5 vs 5 arena released again too. Even if temporary it would be a cool way to stoke interest back into arena again.
@Kabam Miike
Even if the answer is "go pound sand" I think there is some value in asking.
I didn't start playing at that time, what was it like?
Like @Minion_of_Doom said you had to collect pym cannisters from the monthly quest to find matches for the arena. I cannot remember the specifics of the arena but there were lots of milestones you and your alliance mates worked together to achieve. The alliance I was in at the time achieved over 1 million points and we were a rather small alliance. It allowed us to not only obtain 3* versions of Antman and Yellowjacket but to dupe them as well.
Wow that's really awesome
It really was. That was when 3*s meant a lot more too. So, they easily could modify it for today to make higher milestones and potentially make it with 4*s.
Yeah, they released BW and Ultron together as a part of the Age of Ultron Avengers movie. There was definitely a lot of churning going on in alliances at that time though.
That's a simple fix if you just make them available through the special event quests this time around or eliminate the need for them altogether.