Jane Fosters heavy attack is bugged (misses enemies right next to her)

I know there’s lots of bugs in the game right now, but this one has been in the game since Jane Foster was released. Her heavy attack is gimped as is, and covers very short distance.
In the video below, her heavy attack misses enemies who are right next to her.
iPad 6th gen
iOS 13.1.3
Latest MCOC version
In the video below, her heavy attack misses enemies who are right next to her.
iPad 6th gen
iOS 13.1.3
Latest MCOC version

User error
Try doing two matches with:
- Parry + Light + Heavy
- Parry + Medium + Heavy
Then compare and post results. When you miss without parry, its difficult to tell gauge the distance. When you parry, not only is it easier to tell, but it's also more precise due to consistency.
If the results vary, then there is a bug. If not, then you one attack pushes the opponent more than the other.
Just like how some champs lunge themselves far towards opponent with their dash
I dunno maybe it’s meant to be like that?
Her heavy attack whiffs. Seems to happen when the enemy skips or inches closer. This doesn’t happen with any other champion.
Happens 5 times
:03 seconds
:14 seconds
:27 seconds
:42 seconds
:53 seconds
Jane Fosters heavy attack whiffs at :06 and :20 seconds of the vid below.
The enemy does not block
The enemy does not dash or dex back
She misses at:
:35 seconds
:45 seconds
:54 seconds
Typing error.
It happened to me plenty of times.
iPad 6th gen
iOS 13.3
MCoC 25.1
Still, I’ll continue to post vids of this bug here on the forums whenever it happens.
Does anyone know of another hero whose heavy attack whiffs like this??
Think that is what people are getting at, it should be consistent.
Here is a slow motion vid. I do a single dash(M) attack then try to launch a heavy that whiffs. Per Kabam support (and others in this thread), I’m too far away.
How much closer can I get?
I block
Single dash attack
Heavy whiffs
Blade does not dash back or dex. Blade does not block. Blade appears to move closer to me and still I miss. How much closer can I get after just hitting the enemy??
It's a tiny hit box, but doesn't seem bugged.
But Parry-Heavy is best, and there is no way that it could possible be out of range if you were to do that instead.
When I Parry heavy , it connects, but if I do a single dash attack and then a heavy, it’s not consistent.
Kabam support said I’m too far away. I’d like to know how it’s possible for me to get any closer after having just hit the enemy with a dash attack. I know of no other hero who whiffs after having done the exact same actions: dash attack & then a heavy attack.