How difficult is Epic EQ 100% exploration?

I've completed this month's Epic EQ and explored the first chapter, but I'm unsure whether or not I should push for 100% exploration. I'm operating with a team of one 5* R4, one 5* R3 and the rest is maxed 4*s.
How difficult is 100%? What would you say is required or what would you recommend?? A full team of R4 5* or just a couple of them? I'm an average player I believe, so what would you recommend the average player?
Thanks in advance to you enthusiastic pro souls who bothers with noobs like me,
I've completed this month's Epic EQ and explored the first chapter, but I'm unsure whether or not I should push for 100% exploration. I'm operating with a team of one 5* R4, one 5* R3 and the rest is maxed 4*s.
How difficult is 100%? What would you say is required or what would you recommend?? A full team of R4 5* or just a couple of them? I'm an average player I believe, so what would you recommend the average player?
Thanks in advance to you enthusiastic pro souls who bothers with noobs like me,
See at first i thought recoil was the problem of running suicides but its actually these heal block nodes.
Based on that would you not recommend investing in the masteries? Or, maybe turning them off and on, since the heal blocks only in certain boss fights of the quest?
With 1 R4 5* it may be tough but doable. Almost any other month you should be able to 100% just this one is a bit tougher.
In general, and this is a very vague statement, I believe the average player is likely to be able to beat UC with a full team of R4s. I believe an above average player can do it with a mixed team of R4s and R3s or 5/50s. A strong player that doesn't get surprised by the bosses (i.e. studies video of the fights) can probably do it with 5/50s.
But a lot depends on which champs you have. A champ that happens to be a very good counter for a boss fight is often more valuable than a champ that is highly ranked. A 5/50 Symbiote Supreme might have a better shot at Annihilus than a 5/65 Sparky in a lot of players hands, for example. When you're right on the edge of being able to do UC, it is all about getting any edge you can, and one way is to study the fights and try to find the best possible composition of team that can do the job. That's not always the most highly ranked champs.
The other villain bosses on the shard day (the only one I play) are Namor and Diablo I guess. These are pretty easy to beat.
In the main one, the only ones that really gave me some problem were Doom and Red Skull ._.
I don’t think I try to 100% it for this reason