Best in comic - Worst in Game

Master_mischief69Master_mischief69 Member Posts: 243 ★★
edited January 2023 in General Discussion
Hai guys, we know many in game characters, are deserve better powers... Because many of them are most powerful and popular heroes and villains in comics or movies.. like magneto... This poll is to choose which one of them deserves to be a god in game... And don't forget to comment the reason

Best in comic - Worst in Game 183 votes

ArcDeAngelusPantherusNZSnakeEyes69Carmel1Haji_SaabMagicBentonWolverDominatorJestressDeadmaddyWyattEarpphillgreenTerraMagrailothosNojokejaymCliffordcanCarme1974NiteAndDaeJohnLocke117DONZALOOG1234PeterQuill 70 votes
Dr. Strange
RagamugginGunnerMidnightfoxMrLalowheirDEZNCB_ptTotal_Domin01Tr_jorge_89AustinU823HomerJBondNioc0124rcm2017AmaadAkiraWine_LoverLuke9523X_Factor_AgentLoctiteSuperGlueStevieManWonderDarkEternityRealdeel1982Rebark 32 votes
Black panther
SummonerNR_ReefLucianoDelHoya 3 votes
DrZolaGrandOldKaiHeraldofNoneJwallace25DragonMCOCKingsamAssumedNamePrimetime_769XxLoganTDCxXDannyB01KnightNvrEndingWu_Bangerz23RamadaScarRealmAmazing_Demon05JAATKINGEtjamashumaxgorathDwhalen8554DJMNH 63 votes
SaiyanStefanjonesTehsigzorzJustcause102MoNsTeR_804Señor DudeMiStaloOvaADK08 8 votes
Captain America
Feeney234SaielThunderstruck77OnesuavebroJames_LebeauIlovechickenman5000kSparty6 7 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Magneto& Phoenix
  • MawrCalleachMawrCalleach Member Posts: 260
    Sentry, Phoenix, from this list Magneto,Dr.Strange
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  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★

    Ghost Rider

    Ghost rider is already a solid champ
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,161 ★★★★★
    Dont forget dormammu and dr strange
  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
    A little shoutout to Storm ._.

    Oh Storm, what did they do to you in this game? Lol
  • Ilovechickenman5000kIlovechickenman5000k Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2019
    Captain America
    yeah what did they do to KANG [removed by Moderator] we need him better
    Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
  • JohnLocke117JohnLocke117 Member Posts: 500 ★★★

    Ghost Rider

    Agree but he's not as underwhelming as some others in the game
  • Jwallace25Jwallace25 Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    I voted Thanos. Though Magneto is also a good consideration, Thanos really should be at a higher level than what he is, which is just a basic, almost meme tier champ. I was really hoping Kabam would have come out with a more available and playable "Endgame" version remake of Thanos, but they missed that opportunity.
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Hulk, Thanos, sentry, Phoenix, dormmamu, Mephisto I can go in lol, it’s a travesty
  • TheRealmKeeperTheRealmKeeper Member Posts: 231
    Magneto followed by Strange. One once was a god in game, the other has always been a laughingstock. Shame they couldn’t do better with one of the greatest villains of all time.. Especially with all the mediocre champs in comic lore being so OP
  • tDarkKnighttDarkKnight Member Posts: 32
    Phoenix is a disgrace in the game. I still remember the day I got her as 3*, I was so so excited. I was still starting, mind you so 3*s were a big deal. But all I got was disappointment.
  • NCB_ptNCB_pt Member Posts: 291
    Dr. Strange
    1 Phoenix
    2 Dr Strange
    3 Magneto
  • Kevo9513Kevo9513 Member Posts: 356 ★★
    Captain America is more of a moral character than anything else lol, he’s pretty accurate rn
  • NiteAndDaeNiteAndDae Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    Arguably the greatest antagonist to the X-Men, possibly tied with Apocalypse (who should also be added to the game).

    This God among mutants deserves a major boost, as he can singlehandedly take on many teams and hold his own.
  • BoostergoldrulzBoostergoldrulz Member Posts: 152
    Sentry is probably the biggest disappointment, he's not even a choice.
  • Tr_jorge_89Tr_jorge_89 Member Posts: 8
    Dr. Strange
    All of these guys are underpowered based on the comics. I voted Dr. Strange because I’d play magneto over him. Sentry and Phoenix also deserve a place on this list. I’d still vote strange though.
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 987 ★★★
    edited November 2019
    Magneto. One of the most powerful characters in the MU and can't even break out of the lowest of the low tiers between 2 versions of him in this game.

    Phoenix as well. While not as bad of a champion as Magneto is, Jean on her own is among the most powerful telepaths in the world and if we are considering whats ingame as Jean imbued with the Phoenix force, then she is the most powerful being in the MU besides The One Above All or maybe the Celestials.
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Sentry, Phoenix, Magneto
  • LeoGnarleyardoLeoGnarleyardo Member Posts: 355 ★★
    Void and sentry are insanely powerful in the comics. They can hold their own against primordial beings.
    Black bolt... he has the capability of splitting a planet in half with his sonic scream
    Spider-man (Peter Parker) Has been refered to many times in the comics as the strongest hero in regards to physical strenght. Spiderman is stronger than hulk in the comics |
    Hood.. He should be able to levitate and teleport, he can also channel magic. he doesnt even need the guns really stating to a team of heroes he'd battled that the pistols were merely for show as he made a gun pointing gesture with his fingers before blowing up a floor on his penthouse
    Vision... theres no mention of his phase ability
    Cull obsidian.. his species is super dense, he weighs as much as a dwarf star, in the comics his name is Black dwarf. referencing this.
    Man-thing... should be the largest champ in game.. hes huge in the comics
    Modok... barely ever fights anyone in the comics. hes a delicate little flower and has lackeys for most of his fights.

    Cant really think of any others at the moment.

  • Skillful_starSkillful_star Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    Magneto is absolute garbage and it's actually worse considering he's an omega level mutant in the comics and he was ranked as one of the best comic book characters of all's a shame he's so bad in this game....
    But I'm surprised you didn't make sentry a choice? Power of one million exploding suns.....yeah right
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Sentry, bypass far.
  • SirsquigglesSirsquiggles Member Posts: 10
    Captain america he is the best in the mcu but in the game people hardly use him
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★

    Captain america he is the best in the mcu but in the game people hardly use him

    Why do people do this
  • Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Member Posts: 1,175 ★★★★
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,463 ★★★★★
    As much as I love Doc (and he’s woefully represented in MCoC), Thanos and possibly Phoenix are such disappointing shells of their comic selves.

    Dr. Zola
  • PowerOfACandlePowerOfACandle Member Posts: 351 ★★★

    Captain america he is the best in the mcu but in the game people hardly use him

    Stop reviving 3 years old posts lol
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