This months side quest

Thanks for buffing the rewards I find the epic to be worth the effort but I really don’t enjoy the number of fights involved. I would like to get the rewards for both epic and master but I find them to be too time consuming for my daily life. I believe we had similar rewards during the ht and annialus event but it was only 2 fights and I believe no energy. I know the team likes to change the rewards and events but i don’t think side events should take no more than 5 minutes per quest (ex. Epic and master combine should be about 10 minutes) just my 2 cents but how does the rest of the community feel?
I really do like that the rewards were buffed majorly and I do appreciate the team listening to us all.
Doom is my problem on this one, he has a really stuttering style when attacking into quakes Dodge, which if she isn't against the wall is tricky to strike match against.
Personally, I don't find them *too* time consuming, but I can see it getting very grindy over an entire month. I wouldn't want to do this kind of thing everywhere, but for something like this I think this is a viable idea to give players the option for having constant difficulty but more fights, or higher difficulty with less fights, while keeping the rewards (or at least the potential rewards) the same for everyone.
I’m really do appreciate the rewards for this month. Again for me it’s the time commitment aspect.
These Invasion quests are challenging but not impossible. Great rewards and worth playing every day that I can!
I got UC last month, managed to explore the UC EQ, and explore the fantastic invasions on epic with no resources, but for players who’s rosters aren’t that beefy , the nodes on that path (Evolution/extinction protocol,kinetic ) require me to use potions
But regarding the difficulty : :
1) boss aren’t the same for all ways
2) champions change too
3) the central line has hard buffs/debuffs
The mix of these parameters can be too much difficult. So don’t make it harder, that’s truly enough. A Doom after some tough champions is painfull.
The rewards are nice, even if players never have enough :-) More seriously, veteran players have a lot of 5* to rank up, that’s their goal on the game and so they need t5bc to rank 5.
Yes, the bosses are a bit challenging and the center path has hard(ish) nodes, but if you have the roster to be able to challenge Epic, you should have a 5/50 Red Hulk, Mephisto or Iceman (just 3 from the top of my head) to help you clear that path. (this is for the incinerate/coldsnap path). Biohazard should not be an issue for anyone that enters Epic.
I guess this is enough hint for devs for future content.