9-10 players looking for ally

Looking for map 5-4 ally gold 1-plat4 war tier 5-9 any must be active ally abe for 3 bg. Line id: vipul9987. Ingame name: CALL_ME_DADDY


  • Petabyte01Petabyte01 Member Posts: 7
    You can msg if you still wanna change the king ally... Line :: petabyteit
  • Goldfield9Goldfield9 Member Posts: 10
    Im holding 23/30 in my alliance fight now and can probably cut 2 maybe 3 to make room. We have only been Running 2 grps, gold 3 last season but will be gold 1 with a third group. You guys could have your own grp. We are at 1950+ war prestige and bounce between tier 5-7. AS far as AQ, our week looks something like maps 5,4,4,3,3 on average but sometimes do a little more. Im not into Micro managing and want people that know what they are doing and carry their weight. Let me know if You want to make something happen. We are open right now if You want to take a look. Kryptic Acolytes, TAG is 9V9V9. Good luck.
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