No rewards AW Season 13 - matchmaking issue

I was in multiple allies during AW Season 13. I joined my current ally before war 8 and then due to match making issue we were not able to play war and then AW season ended abruptly.
I was not awarded any rewards but Kabam said whoever played one war will get rewards.
Atleast Kabam should give me rewards for playing AW season 13 based on my previous ally if not based on current ally.
I was not awarded any rewards but Kabam said whoever played one war will get rewards.
Atleast Kabam should give me rewards for playing AW season 13 based on my previous ally if not based on current ally.
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@Kabam Zibiit
@Kabam Vydious
@Kabam Lyra
@Kabam Porthos
Need your attention on this please