Suicide-unfriendly champs

Players who run suicides, what champs commonly considered as great options for all round questing are hurt the most by suicides?
Is it just special spammers or are low healthpools also bad options when running them?
Is it just special spammers or are low healthpools also bad options when running them?
Blade becomes much less sustainable by nerfing his regen with poison.
Stealthy and Sunspot need to use SP1s and 2s to get full damage out of them, so they can do 1 or 2 fights then kill themselves.
NT and Void need to spam SP1 usually, so they are bad.
Cull is very unsustainable and suicides make it so you have to pour potions into him.
Probably some I’m missing, but these are the main ones on my squad.
Vision ironically suffers despite being double immune. Need those Sps for his utility, and by the same token AA doesn't suffer despite no immunities. Parry and heavy is enough to melt opponents and can use sp3 to great effect if you build the power bar that far.
Great thread, btw. This is a helpful discussion.
Sp3's do NOT cause recoil
It is preferable to have max willpower and a point or two in Coagulate (I have two) to reduce the bleeding. You should be losing no health after the bleed portion of the suicide expires and be at an even health gain/loss with max Willpower.
Champs that are unfriendly to suicides are ones that require strong use of their Sp1's and Sp2's and don't have the ability to regen and are non-bleed/poison immune.
E.g Blade IS suicide Friendly as he can regen, same with Namor etc.
Omega Red is great because he is poison and 90% bleed immune so with Willpower you are healing for most of the fight.