New AQ modifier not working

Yagami9999Yagami9999 Member Posts: 152
edited November 2019 in General Discussion

2nd Alliance Quest that my alliance is not allowed to use the new AQ modifier.
While other alliances get extra points, mine gets shafted and drop ranks for something we can’t achieve

Coming soon
Coming soon



  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    edited November 2019
    By the time of your pic above (all 3 BG Maps already chosen), that is too late to be able to select Modifiers.

    You have to select a Modifier from each of the 3 screens in which you are selecting each of the Maps to run.

    (not sure if you had tried it at that time as well, and it also said Coming Soon there too or not, you didn’t screencap at that time)
  • WarrenCoxWarrenCox Member Posts: 33
    Bonus points and Honor points showing as lower for BG3 than the other two. Same last week. Please confirm this is a visual glitch and that we are not losing points. Thanks
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    Might as well have this newer thread be the point for MODIFIER Issues in the new 2nd Series of AQ.
    But for people looking to see how Modifiers should be working in general (and the host of problems last week), here is that earlier thread ...

    As well as Current KNOWN ISSUES, as shown in “v25.0 Known Issues Thread” which will be fixed in next version of game are ...

    * Unable to select Modifiers.
    * Display-only problem showing lower Bonus/Honor for BG3.
    * Missing History Button.

    Keeping in mind that some cases of “Coming Soon” may be for cases where Modifiers were not attempted to be selected at same time you are selecting the “Map” for each group (user error). If first attempt to choose them are from the point that OP initial pic at top is at.

    (not saying that OP actually didn’t also have a valid problem of trying to select them at the earlier point, just that it can not be determined just by his pic as to when he first saw “Coming Soon” in his case)
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    Potential new problem this week.
    (note, our BG1 and BG2 Bonus/Honor were all showing correctly last week, just seemed to be a BG3 issue)

    For day-2 now, BG1 Bonus/Honor are showing SAME 1st-day Points as they did yesterday (we finished BG1 100%), selected a different Modifier for today.

    Caveat, smaller ally only running 2 BG's. Last week ran a Modifier in BG2 all week. This week tested to leave BG2 alone (Modifier only in BG1).

    So, wondering if other ally's that run full Groups/Completion are having this new issue this week in BG1 and maybe BG2. Or if only an issue for BG3 like last week ??
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    Anyone else seeing problems this week with the displayed Bonus/Honor Points on Day-2 for BG1 or BG2 (being the same amount as it was on Day-1 instead of increasing) ??

    Or just the same/existing issue with displaying them lower only for BG3, like last week (which is known) ?

    @MunchFlob , @DNA3000 , @597994 , @Worknprogress , @will-o-wisp , @Camby01 , or anyone else from last week who was involved with everyone trying to pinpoint some of the details and issues with the Modifiers ??
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Anyone else seeing problems this week with the displayed Bonus/Honor Points on Day-2 for BG1 or BG2 (being the same amount as it was on Day-1 instead of increasing) ??

    Or just the same/existing issue with displaying them lower only for BG3, like last week (which is known) ?

    @MunchFlob , @DNA3000 , @597994 , @Worknprogress , @will-o-wisp , @Camby01 , or anyone else from last week who was involved with everyone trying to pinpoint some of the details and issues with the Modifiers ??

    I haven't been checking this week since everything actually ended up awarding correctly besides day 5 last week
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Just checked and we're seeing the same thing as last week with bg3 not updating
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,412 Guardian

    Just checked and we're seeing the same thing as last week with bg3 not updating

    I believe I'm seeing the same thing as BG3 shows differently than BG2 even though both have been running identical maps and modifiers for the first two days.
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Bg2 is showing differently to Bg1 and Bg3 even though we ran the same modifiers and map
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    edited November 2019
    Same, BG3 is lower than the rest. Once it comes time to start Day 3, I'd suggest everyone compare what they're seeing now to what's shown in the History tab (only viewable during Map selection currently). As I recall, at the end of the cycle it was all squared away and correct, although not sure if it's like this after the Map ends. I'll post my findings in about 30ish mins when the information is available.

    EDIT - Running 5x5 and same Master Modifier across all 3 BGs.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Just checked and we're seeing the same thing as last week with bg3 not updating

    I believe I'm seeing the same thing as BG3 shows differently than BG2 even though both have been running identical maps and modifiers for the first two days.
    Should be the same visual bug as last week. Everything up through day 4 added correctly for us through the week. Only day 5 actually distributed incorrectly until the fixed it late
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Ok, just verified, in between days the numbers show the correct values. So yes, just a visual bug while AQ is running.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    Thanks. So at least 1 other person seems to have a display issue this week with either BG1 or BG2 as well.
    Hopefully it will all be good with the upcoming fix in next months update.

    (was just mentioning the BG1 display issue of mine this week because last week it seemed to be exclusively limited to BG3 that everyone was having the display-only-bug).
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