My 5* rank 4 dilemma

Who to rank 4 as 5* mutant? PS: I have 1 6* champ (Heimdal) and 4x5*r4 (luke,rulk,medusa,and duped blade). My plan is to finish act5 and then explore act5 in the next 2-3 months.
My 5* rank 4 dilemma 51 votes
Duped Domino sig40
48 votes
Unduped Iceman
2 votes
1 vote
Do something different - comment
0 votes
Disclaimer: I don't actually have Domino above a 3*, but it seems pretty clear that her main ability is tremendous damage output. Is that what your team needs most? Medusa, Blade, Rulk and Luke Cage are all pretty good at inflicting damage, after all.
If you want a great utility champ, Iceman is your guy; and there are a lot fewer Cold-immune than bleed-immune opponents. Hello be useful in Freezerburn nodes, too.
If your don't have a 5* Power Control champion yet, then Rogue is okay at this. Rogue can be awesome on nodes like Power Shield and Flare. She really needs Awakened for general use, though.
What I'd do (and it's not what everyone would do) would be: none of the above yet: Invest in the current 5* Featured crystal, which gives you an 8% chance to Awaken either your Rulk or Rogue. If you happen to Awaken Rogue, she's definitely an option to R4. If you don't, then probably R4 Domino when the Featured crystal changes.
Iceman can shut down evade. There are still not many coldsnap immune champions. Great sustainability. Double immunities, great for biohazard + nano-plague nodes.
Rogue is Loki but better. Buff steal, buff suppression, power steal, life steal and shrugs off debuffs fast. There are numerous match-ups she rocks. A hidden gem IMO.
I agree with:
hitting hard (very high critical rating)
bleed (great bleed damage and under circumstances the top damage in game)
incinarate (descent but not a basic ability it’s synergy based)
Strongly disagree with utility is low. In fact domino has a great AAR, the ability to shut off instantly opponents abilities including any nodes the opp has too. If that is not at least a good utility then I wonder what is? As a 5* maxed out domino user I can assure she can get way further than u believe. As long as, there is not an immune to ability accuracy node, she is partially immune to everything. Iceman and Rogue are good champs but Domino is better.