Luke Cage Buff? (The Defenders)

Can we come up with some ways to buff luke cage to become a decent champion? Mr Cage is very strong, he can rip off doors like it's nothing and survive rockets but in this game he is weaker than everyone.

- Instead of exhaustion, maybe turn it into Armour Breaks

90% stun chance of every special instead of 57%

- Stackable physical resistance added to duped ability? (Helpful for defense)

- Fury added to each special attack

- Crit damage and crit rate base stats NEEDS a boost for such a strong character.

- Refreshable invulnerable ability with an l3 or so. (Iceman laughs at Luke cage ATM)

I personally feel it's unfair on all the Luke Cage fans that he hasn't been buffed up already, yes he was added very early but at this stage of the game and how much it's developed this character is just extremely underwhelming and it needs to be addressed plus with the defenders now out and nothing is planned for it, I believe this is the perfect time for a buff.

The ideas I have come up with are just quick thoughts, maybe you guys can come up with better ideas.


  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    Yeah i think damage output is his main weakness it just makes you feel so angry when doing his speciak and seeing him throw all those punches with very low damage
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    Agree with everything here.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    While they are at it, they need to buff Netflix DareDevil and Ironfist too, and add Jessica Jones.
  • YellsomeYellsome Member Posts: 485
    Why buff luke cage?He is op
  • KillawabzKillawabz Member Posts: 55
    Yeah, it's kinda awkward seeing daredevil somehow stronger than Luke Cage. Hopefully they buff him, I actually took my 5* Luke Cage to r3 because that's how much I like his character and the design. Pure street fighter
  • YellsomeYellsome Member Posts: 485
    Killawabz wrote: »
    Yeah, it's kinda awkward seeing daredevil somehow stronger than Luke Cage. Hopefully they buff him, I actually took my 5* Luke Cage to r3 because that's how much I like his character and the design. Pure street fighter

  • KillawabzKillawabz Member Posts: 55
    Yellsome wrote: »
    Killawabz wrote: »
    Yeah, it's kinda awkward seeing daredevil somehow stronger than Luke Cage. Hopefully they buff him, I actually took my 5* Luke Cage to r3 because that's how much I like his character and the design. Pure street fighter


    It was actually a little bet. I said to my alliance that if I got a full science t4cc in these map5 crystals ( there was 5 ) I have to r3 Luke cage.

    Yup, I got exactly that. A full science t4cc.. I tried saying I don't wanna but I was being called a ****
  • KillawabzKillawabz Member Posts: 55
    *comment was cutoff*

    I really like him though, hopefully I can dupe him one day. His duped ability is insanely good. If there was a way to refresh it then it would be awesome.

    Iceman legit spits on luke cages effect, however Luke's can take a combo where as iceman can only take 1 hit. But obviously you don't get hit much so Icemans overall a better ability.
  • ImmortalImmortal Member Posts: 323 ★★
    It doesn't make sense that he is suppose to be a rank but still take block damage BEFORE his sig activates. They should just make his physical resistance permanent... what is phy resistance anyway ? Never could find info on it.

    It sucks he has to get hit in order to increase his physical resist. Paired with his low damage output, same stats between 4* r5 and 5* r3 (armor should be higher on 5*?) this champ is terrible
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    Armor is both Physical and Energy Resistance together. Some champs have a high resistance to one but not the other. In this case Luke Cage is weak against or it's better to use energy attacks against him.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,206 ★★★★★
    Luke isn't actually any more vulnerable to energy attacks than any other character. He's just a lot less vulnerable to physical attacks when his PR is active, which is quite a lot of the time, thanks to the duration and frequency of his PR activating.

    Luke gets talked about a lot. We had some thoughts you might be interested in, in this thread:
  • YellsomeYellsome Member Posts: 485
    tbh luke cage hits like a wet noodle,sure but I really like his combos
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