Aegon vs Nickfury

i have not done LOL and have to complete act 6. these places are main concern i need to work on this who will be helpful for me to complete these quests
Note : my previous r5's medusa, corvus, Quake and Ghost(can't take her into act 6 as no 5star antman or wasp).
Note : my previous r5's medusa, corvus, Quake and Ghost(can't take her into act 6 as no 5star antman or wasp).
Aegon vs Nickfury 18 votes
I'm tempted to use my generic AG on NF cause I love using him. Plus, iirc he only need 1 sig. He'll degen anyway but of course more sig the better. CMM is also my only R5 so they go along.
It's just using generic AG is a huge decision to make.