4* Rank Up Help Needed - Cosmic & Skill

I have 4* Rank 4 Hyp (duped) and Gwenpool (unduped) and resources to bring both to R5
I recently got 4* CMM and Stealth Spidey both unduped.
Not sure if I should max Hype & GP right away or bring one or the other of CMM or Spidey to Max. Can only do one in that case, could R4 the other though. I'm only short on t4b though, so I'd be able to max a 2nd before too long.
My main interest in Spidey is synergy with IMIW, but I don't actually know a lot about him, so not sure how he compares to GP overall. Any insight on how good he is would be helpful too.
Complicating matters further, I also have Medusa, Venom, & VtD at low rank but I think I could max any one of them, and if not now, soon.
I recently got 4* CMM and Stealth Spidey both unduped.
Not sure if I should max Hype & GP right away or bring one or the other of CMM or Spidey to Max. Can only do one in that case, could R4 the other though. I'm only short on t4b though, so I'd be able to max a 2nd before too long.
My main interest in Spidey is synergy with IMIW, but I don't actually know a lot about him, so not sure how he compares to GP overall. Any insight on how good he is would be helpful too.
Complicating matters further, I also have Medusa, Venom, & VtD at low rank but I think I could max any one of them, and if not now, soon.
4* Rank Up Help Needed - Cosmic & Skill 4 votes
Max Hype & work on maxing Stealth Spidey ASAP
Max GP & work on maxing CMM ASAP
Max CMM & work on maxing GP ASAP
Max CMM & work on maxing Stealth Spidey ASAP
Max Stealth Spidey & work on maxing Hype ASAP
Max Stealth Spidey & work on maxing CMM ASAP
Forget Hype & CMM and get to work on Medusa, Venom, or VtD (which one?)