Cosmic awakening gem: decisions.. decisions...

pedroteixeira07pedroteixeira07 Member Posts: 213
edited December 2019 in General Discussion
Got a 5* cosmic gem from 100% 5.4. I need a versatility/usefulness-based decision to help me out in my next content which is the last nasty fights with the collector, and then variants (cav done a week ago). It's not an "apples to apples" comparison but would appreciate your thoughts. r5 materials and gems don't come that easy. Which one of these is MVP/game-changer for variants and further endgame content?

Cosmic awakening gem: decisions.. decisions... 45 votes

Medusa (she'll help you in v1) .
NMEONESRagamugginGunnerManup456Alex13369Lvernon15DOKTOROKTOPUSRCunhaPeterQuillXxLoganTDCxXFhfjghhggggjfhfjgSidDDragonEtjamaAlexAvalonJaiPacholtesAstoundsSheDroveMeHere 16 votes
Venom (he'll help you in v2)
R_D_JrSaiel 2 votes
Other.. wait for Captain Marvel or Hyperion. They are more helpful for variants (got CG already)
adqqedfyvrAjay121Zayo_278CUBColinwhitworth69Ctfz35BerjibsNik_860Keniutek 9 votes
...silver surfer is around the corner... dream big!
GhriffinArchdemon_Ingi_Freyr1975LordRaymond3X_Factor_AgentSpeedro420Suxy88FjolnirHedronBłADELufasoCapn_Dantenatewagz419H3t3rTickleMeElmoRoninManTheInfintyLucianoDelHoya 18 votes


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  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Medusa (she'll help you in v1) .
    It’s medusa or wait, venom doesn’t need it
  • Capn_DanteCapn_Dante Member Posts: 580 ★★★
    ...silver surfer is around the corner... dream big!
    I'm in the same boat as you... Planning on awakening my Medusa dependent on how great Silver Surfer is and if he needs his sig ability... If I did my math right he should be in the next featured 5 star crystal
  • NMEONESNMEONES Member Posts: 292 ★★
    Medusa (she'll help you in v1) .
    Where are you progression wise? My Medusa put in a lot of work in Act 6.1 100%, Act 6.2 initial clear and Variant 1 although I did use Thing to 100% most of it. I was stuck and not able to get passed the Mr. Sinister in Act 6.2 until I duped my Medusa.

    Medusa is still an incredible champ and she really only needs to be awoken, doesn’t need Sig stones which is nice because her prestige pretty much sucks.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Medusa (she'll help you in v1) .
    Medusa or wait for Hype.
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    Medusa (she'll help you in v1) .
    Medusa was my first r5, killed act 5 for me as well as 6.1 and daily aq and monthly eq she always comes in useful, great champ
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Medusa (she'll help you in v1) .
    Medusa will be a big help and help u gain more rankup resources and who knows when u will get hype or sparkles
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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    I'm in the same boat as you... Planning on awakening my Medusa dependent on how great Silver Surfer is and if he needs his sig ability... If I did my math right he should be in the next featured 5 star crystal

    surfer will not be in the next featured. Mr Fantastic will be the newest champ in it.
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