Looks like I am ready for Variant 4..

I have been stuck on the Kang boss for ages, tried 2 times and failed, his SP1 catches me off guard a lot, I am hoping Variant 4 will be the first Variant I complete!

Because hell, why not? I love my two star collection u.u
I’m ready
Gamora basically gains fury and cruelty buffs, can refresh those buffs with heavies, and gains extra effects on specials when she has a godslayer charge, which itself recharges when used.
Colossus has immunities, armor up buffs that both expire and don't expire and convert to permanent passives, has power gain on ability accuracy reduction, can convert opponent stun debuffs into self fury passives, has increased critical damage based on armor buffs, has the special organic steel effect in SP3, and several other mechanical details regarding all of those, like how the stack limits work. It would take several times longer for me to describe Colossus to the same level of detail as Gamora.