Are 4* champions still worthy of ranking up past level 3?

OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
edited August 2017 in General Discussion

Are 4* champions still worthy of ranking up past level 3? 33 votes

Yes, many 4* champions are still useful and will be for the long haul.
GroundedWisdomGamerdanielmathSirnoobSkeleton777Shynight00JohnnyViperTKalPranesh99ScottryanDave_the_destroyerbm3eppsKing_L0kiB34rSamuel030sAnonymous346Shadow_roastBumsy_BumSir_husain11 18 votes
No, I feel the resources are better spent on 5* and eventually 6* champions with the direction the game is heading.
No_More_HeroesAnonymousTimone147OKAYGangYellsomeDanicb94PurveyorhydrogohardGrimmbearBarry_Allen007 10 votes
I would only consider ranking 4* champions that will not be released as 5 or 6 star versions like Wolverine, Thor, SW, DS, WW2, BW, etc.
borntohula 1 vote
What, are you kidding? I don't even have enough of the resources needed like t4 basic, t4 class catalysts, and gold to even take this quesion seriously.
winterthurJlemos818SpiritOfVengeance16wegnerk 4 votes


  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    No, I feel the resources are better spent on 5* and eventually 6* champions with the direction the game is heading.
    Exception is god tier champs or champs that add a use you don't have on your current roster(whether offensive or defensive).
  • King_L0kiB34rKing_L0kiB34r Member Posts: 218
    Yes, many 4* champions are still useful and will be for the long haul.
    I am still working on my 5* roster. Right now I have 3 of them and one duped (Elektra). Not enough for a solid 5* War Defense or offense when compared to the 4*'s I am using. No reason not to continue ranking them up until I can rank my 5*'s up high enough to matter. Will handle 6*'s when they happen not really worried about it right now.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    No, I feel the resources are better spent on 5* and eventually 6* champions with the direction the game is heading.
    I personally am in a situation where I finally got 4* Wolvie after years of trying and i want to rank him to r5, but I do also have a nice stable of 5* champs that I feel would be a better long term investment for those basic t4 and alpha catalysts. Tough choice.
  • No_More_HeroesNo_More_Heroes Member Posts: 471 ★★
    No, I feel the resources are better spent on 5* and eventually 6* champions with the direction the game is heading.
    It's kind of a bad poll cause it depends on who you are and where you are in terms of progress in the game.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    No, I feel the resources are better spent on 5* and eventually 6* champions with the direction the game is heading.
    It's kind of a bad poll cause it depends on who you are and where you are in terms of progress in the game.

    That is kinda the point actually, and that is why there are four possible answers to account for the difference in people's personal level of progression.
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Similar poll with a bit different results
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