Silver Surfer-Champion Review

Champion: Silver Surfer
Class: Cosmic
Overall Stats: Health: Good
Damage: Not the best
Artwork: He looks very comic book accurate. He is all silver, and his board is very accurate.
Animations: Although he doesnt hit the hardest, his animations are sick and very smooth. His six hit combo spin is cool. He sp1 is flashy, he sp2 feels powerful, and his sp3 is really awesome.
Favorite Special: Hard choice, but my favorite has to be sp3. It is very cool and looks very dangerous. I mean, he blows up the sun. Should be an instant KO unless your Sentry, Pheonix, Captain Marvel (MCU), Etc.
Abilities and Powers: Doesn't take damage to Coldsnap, Incinerate, and Shock. Counts as Unique buffs
Power Cosmic Buff: Easy and fun way to get buffs, but heavily relies on Sp1s
Power Rate is good
Fury needs to be larger
Armor Up is fine
Heavy Attack: This should really last longer than 1.1 seconds. If it was longer, he would have better utility and could counter some champs, such as Mysterio or Hood.
Aptitude is nice
Energy Damage Burst is pretty good.
Sig Ability: Pretty good
Synergies: Mind Travels through Space-A nice thing to have, but not needed
Helps Mysterio alot
Secret Defenders-Again, not needed
This synergy doesnt really help any one
Boss Fight: This was challening to some people and easy to others. Once you understand the fight, it is pretty easy.
Performance: Fights are long and can be confusing for some players. Get all 6 buffs by spaming sp1. Then get to sp3. Then spam sp2. That is how you get maxium damage.
Lets do some math. Whenever you launch a special, you would take 5% recoil damage if you had suicides on. You need 6 sp1's to get all buffs. Thats 30% health. Then add up sp3 (do you take recoil from these) and then all the sp2s you need. It adds up really quick.
But even after all of that, his damage is still underwhelming. Lots of work and not a very good reward.
Strengths: He relies on his sp1 to get buffs. Luckiliy, he keeps his distance, keeping him safe if he misses the attack.
Weaknesses: Relies on specials and buffs to get maxium performance. Mystic champions will easily shut him down.
Suicide Friendly: No. Not at all.
Recoil will kill him fast.
He relies on specials too much for Suicides to work.
Rating: Attack: 6/10 (Domino 10/10 Groot 0/10)
Defense: 4/10 (Thing 10/10 Black Bolt 0/10)
Overall: 5/10 or 6/10
Disappointed. Underwhelming, Overhyped.
What do you like about ? Dislike? Let me know in the comments.
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Class: Cosmic
Overall Stats: Health: Good
Damage: Not the best
Artwork: He looks very comic book accurate. He is all silver, and his board is very accurate.
Animations: Although he doesnt hit the hardest, his animations are sick and very smooth. His six hit combo spin is cool. He sp1 is flashy, he sp2 feels powerful, and his sp3 is really awesome.
Favorite Special: Hard choice, but my favorite has to be sp3. It is very cool and looks very dangerous. I mean, he blows up the sun. Should be an instant KO unless your Sentry, Pheonix, Captain Marvel (MCU), Etc.
Abilities and Powers: Doesn't take damage to Coldsnap, Incinerate, and Shock. Counts as Unique buffs
Power Cosmic Buff: Easy and fun way to get buffs, but heavily relies on Sp1s
Power Rate is good
Fury needs to be larger
Armor Up is fine
Heavy Attack: This should really last longer than 1.1 seconds. If it was longer, he would have better utility and could counter some champs, such as Mysterio or Hood.
Aptitude is nice
Energy Damage Burst is pretty good.
Sig Ability: Pretty good
Synergies: Mind Travels through Space-A nice thing to have, but not needed
Helps Mysterio alot
Secret Defenders-Again, not needed
This synergy doesnt really help any one
Boss Fight: This was challening to some people and easy to others. Once you understand the fight, it is pretty easy.
Performance: Fights are long and can be confusing for some players. Get all 6 buffs by spaming sp1. Then get to sp3. Then spam sp2. That is how you get maxium damage.
Lets do some math. Whenever you launch a special, you would take 5% recoil damage if you had suicides on. You need 6 sp1's to get all buffs. Thats 30% health. Then add up sp3 (do you take recoil from these) and then all the sp2s you need. It adds up really quick.
But even after all of that, his damage is still underwhelming. Lots of work and not a very good reward.
Strengths: He relies on his sp1 to get buffs. Luckiliy, he keeps his distance, keeping him safe if he misses the attack.
Weaknesses: Relies on specials and buffs to get maxium performance. Mystic champions will easily shut him down.
Suicide Friendly: No. Not at all.
Recoil will kill him fast.
He relies on specials too much for Suicides to work.
Rating: Attack: 6/10 (Domino 10/10 Groot 0/10)
Defense: 4/10 (Thing 10/10 Black Bolt 0/10)
Overall: 5/10 or 6/10
Disappointed. Underwhelming, Overhyped.
What do you like about ? Dislike? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for reading and commenting. Your opinions are read and respected.
Want me to add anything? Let me know.
Silver Surfer, looks ok but overhyped is what it’s like, Silver Surfer should have power absorption of some sort, any energy attack, incinerate, and frostbite will increase his power (faster power ramps up so he can fire special faster). Allowing LS advantage over iceman, human torch, Havok, Red Hulk, mephisto.. get the picture kabam.. I am guessing this dynamic should work in favor of LS making him into SS.
Also his L1 gives 2 stacks of his rotating buff, not 1, so only would need 3 L1s, not 6.
Class C pretty useful tier
Class B = low Demi-god tier
Class A = high Demi-god tier
Class S = god tier
Class SS = beyond God tier
Maybe class B or Class C.. niche champion that doesn’t excel in most content.
I use, YouTube videos (Seatin, Lagacy, RichTheMan), gather info from the forum as well as opinions.
Disagree? Give me a disagree on the post.
I really wonder what thought went into it. Such an iconic character and Kabam totally messed it up!
no his animations r not smooth for the playstyle required , most of the time sp1 doesnt connect cause you r either trying to refresh buffs or trying to get fury or armor!
his sp2 sometimes doesnt connect from combo n opponent goes in blocking, sp3 has barely ok damage ! comparing him to hyperion or corvus or cmm would b a huge insult to them! except for super Niche matchups where u need "immunity" he might work ,other then that only a prestige piece well atleast a step up from thor rag! cause thor rag is super worst compared to him.