Act 6.2.6 Champion Boss (Constructive Criticism)

Dear Developers
I know already a lot of people said a lot about it. I just wanted to add/repeat some points so that you guys in future design content in a fair way and by feedbacks of community.
I’ve never seen a fight that is this much tough that you can’t win even after burning hell of units. I’ve been playing since 4 years and completed every quests no matter how high the level of difficulty is whether it’s LOL (using 4*) or those “Coulsen challenges” in early days of this game. I always farm units and do quests. But this time I’m almost exhausted on this champion boss.
I have no regrets in accepting that I cannot dodge his specials and that too 5 times in the same fight.
Before this quest i ran through 6.2.1 to 6.2.5 with few revives and also to 10% of Champion boss health easily but after that he gave me so much pain.
Needless to say, i tried 50-60 duels with him but still no results. My reflexes aren’t gonna do this fight.
In end tiers of game you first need good champs to clear the quests but even if you chose other non-compatible champs on the stake of hard earned units the nodes like this takes all the fun away.
If you want to make node tougher then add extra health, power gain, biohazard etc whatever you want (i can easily accept the CALTROPS also) like you did with Crossbones boss of Act 6.1.5, even i have no problem in fighting if MAESTRO of LOL be the boss instead of Champion that atleast guarantees that the quest can be achievable
Another suggestion could be re-design the animation of Champion’s special attacks so it could be dex easily.
But in this current state i just only pass it and hardly think of re-attempting it.
I know already a lot of people said a lot about it. I just wanted to add/repeat some points so that you guys in future design content in a fair way and by feedbacks of community.
I’ve never seen a fight that is this much tough that you can’t win even after burning hell of units. I’ve been playing since 4 years and completed every quests no matter how high the level of difficulty is whether it’s LOL (using 4*) or those “Coulsen challenges” in early days of this game. I always farm units and do quests. But this time I’m almost exhausted on this champion boss.
I have no regrets in accepting that I cannot dodge his specials and that too 5 times in the same fight.
Before this quest i ran through 6.2.1 to 6.2.5 with few revives and also to 10% of Champion boss health easily but after that he gave me so much pain.
Needless to say, i tried 50-60 duels with him but still no results. My reflexes aren’t gonna do this fight.
In end tiers of game you first need good champs to clear the quests but even if you chose other non-compatible champs on the stake of hard earned units the nodes like this takes all the fun away.
If you want to make node tougher then add extra health, power gain, biohazard etc whatever you want (i can easily accept the CALTROPS also) like you did with Crossbones boss of Act 6.1.5, even i have no problem in fighting if MAESTRO of LOL be the boss instead of Champion that atleast guarantees that the quest can be achievable
Another suggestion could be re-design the animation of Champion’s special attacks so it could be dex easily.
But in this current state i just only pass it and hardly think of re-attempting it.
If i was wrong then there aren’t many people already saying this on forums.
The major thing is people losing interest in Act6. Other day also someone posted a thread asking people to know the reason why they not doing Act6.2 and Act6.3.? The reason is simple... the content doesn’t allow them to do so.
Specifically ranked her up for this quest and built 5 souls somehow to get maximum damage and block proficiency. Still got failed :😖
I also couldn’t beat UC Thanos so I just didn’t do the Uncollected Infinity War event last year.
We can skip the uncollected because it is monthly but story quests shouldn’t go like this
They hadn’t made any boss of Act6.3 like this..
Even for Act5 Ultron boss they did a good job but I can’t find no place where the boss is unbeatable
I’ve explored all variants but the kind of node that champion have is totally opposite to my reflexes. I may get 1-2 charges off in a fight but getting 5 is beyond my reflexes
You can look at all the other bosses of act6.2 and compare them with champion. The level of difficulty is way too much
Even the collector boss was beatable but this is beyond sickness
If you saying that tough or collector fight tough then I guess I’m arguing with wrong person
The champion fight is absolutely tough but especially just a completion run is more than manageable with some practice. Plenty of people have fully explored 6.2 already we're definitely not all pro players
Side note: I don't think any fight should not be won without taking huge unavoidable damage, which the Meta has gone to in 2019 w/new fun & interactive champ/nodes. Lol) Kabam will eventually paint themselves in a corner with that shtuff,.., except for whales who "bought" every champ.
I’ve witnessed many single shot fights whether it was ice-phoenix of Inverted thanos so please don’t say those are tough
I've finished everything myself barring 6.3 which is 70% explored currently. If I, who apparently is a scrub in your opinion who cant take the collector down with 4*s and no items, can fully explore 6.2. I think you and your amazing skills can figure it out once.
It’s just like something easier to you maybe difficult for someone else or vice versa