Should "Conqueror Summoners" get their rights

So basically the game has made certain milestones and give rewards and compensations according to the milestones completed.
But do you think the progression path from "PROVEN" to "UNCOLLECTED" is too big and the rewards given in that time-phase are not that satisfactory.
I have heard many mcoc players talking about how they need to collect resources for many months to just have their first R4 five star champ or bulid their roster only to become uncollected.
Share your thoughts on whether the milestones should be changed or not!
But do you think the progression path from "PROVEN" to "UNCOLLECTED" is too big and the rewards given in that time-phase are not that satisfactory.
I have heard many mcoc players talking about how they need to collect resources for many months to just have their first R4 five star champ or bulid their roster only to become uncollected.
Share your thoughts on whether the milestones should be changed or not!
Should "Conqueror Summoners" get their rights 111 votes
I can see where your frustration is coming from, but one could also argue that the progression gap between UC and Cavalier is larger than between Proven and UC. Moreover, going from Conqueror to UC is less difficult and time-consuming than going from UC to Elder's Bane - yet there is no calendar- or rewards-based benefit to attaining the latter.
The point I'm trying to make here is that not every progression title warrants a new set of rewards and additional benefits. Conquerors are not being deprived of some inherent 'right' to greater benefits, especially when considering the Elder's Bane title. Both titles simply happen to fall between the milestones that have been set, and in all honesty there aren't any compelling reasons to make the Conqueror title its own milestone.
That said when Kabam issues compensation for game issues, I do think they should recognize the Conqueror status. Resources lost during game outages and errors have a higher level of value for those trying to make that leap to Uncollected.
However, k think the gap is not big enough to justify an entire new tier like uncollected
If you want better rewards, reach uncollected. It's challenging, as it should be, but it's nowhere near impossible. You have more than enough resources to get there without even considering gifts from special events, offers, and compensation, or anything else progression-based.
Conqueror = proven
proven = contender anyways thanks for your views
Till 5.2.3 we can use the same team which we use for act 4 but then this bs masochism node is there just waiting for us.
Just discussing with fellow forum mates
But otherwise, no.
Dr. Zola
Also by this thread I can see only a few percentage gap is there between the two polls that means the mcoc players can always relate to those 1 or 2 **** months before UC😂
That fact is that the game needs to go by some rules and someone or the other will try to bend em just to make themselves comfortable but they can't provide us with everything right.
The Uncollected was designed to ramp up our skills and roster and was not a wall in the path. Sure it is tricky but not impossible even for player who have just played for couple of months. The push for uncollected is worth it and for all the conqueror players out there just build up and push through. Cheers!🤙🏻