Green Goblin “super bomb” not working correctly [More Info Needed]

Adam666420Adam666420 Member Posts: 28
edited August 2017 in Bugs and Known Issues
Green goblins “ super bomb” is not working correctly. In many different modes in the game. It’s supposed to trigger all bags of tricks but instead sometimes just says superbomb and no debuffs are applied . Pretty disappointing
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on


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  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Ree wrote: »
    Kabaam also said he has 5 chances with his first special to power drain 8 percent and that's a lie they need to seriously fix him

    Well he has 5 chances ...
  • Adam666420Adam666420 Member Posts: 28
    The sp1 powerdrain seems to be working correctly, the bag of tricks and pumpkin bombs are hit and miss. I’m talking about the superbomb , it’s a % to trigger , and it’s supposed to triggers all bags of tricks, but instead not triggering any of them.
  • Spartacus29Spartacus29 Member Posts: 90
    I assume it's triggering them hence the larger damage but it's not saying it with graphics
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  • Spartacus29Spartacus29 Member Posts: 90
    His power drain is really weak. Only a small chance to take a small amount of power. It's junk
  • Adam666420Adam666420 Member Posts: 28
    Tested in duel works fine. It shows incinerate, weakness , poison . When used in aw those effects weren’t shown. Only says “super bomb” by opponent.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Ree wrote: »
    He only has 4 chances to power drain but there's a million things wrong with the game right now so it's whatever

    4 chances with the laser beams, 1 chance with the super bomb
  • Adam666420Adam666420 Member Posts: 28
    The super bomb is a % to trigger, when he does trigger super bomb . It’s 100% chance . That’s the point of the super bomb . It’s not a % of a % for the super bomb to work.
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  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    The super bomb still doesn't guarantee everything on the list.

    It rolls for each individual thing even when it activates. It only has the potential for all of those things, it doesn't mean they will all proc and activate.

    Although that would be a significant buff if it did work that way, triggering all effects every time it worked. Might be better that way.
  • Adam666420Adam666420 Member Posts: 28
    Super bomb causes ALL bag of tricks to trigger , instead of the regular pumpkin bomb ( which has a chance for each. ) when it does work , all of them trigger . The issue I’m having is that it says super bomb , and none of the effects are triggered .
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    Adam666420 wrote: »
    Super bomb causes ALL bag of tricks to trigger , instead of the regular pumpkin bomb ( which has a chance for each. ) when it does work , all of them trigger . The issue I’m having is that it says super bomb , and none of the effects are triggered .

    The regular pumpkin bombs except on the special 3 have a chance to trigger only the things on the special list when GG is unawakened or without the superbomb.

    So, special 1 is the weakness, special 2 I think is the poison. When you get the super bomb it gives a chance for all 5 things on the list, not that you will get all 5 things every time. At least the way I read it.

    Part of the reason the super bombs are so good (besides the added power control) is it can then give a chance to double up on every one of the extra things you get on each of those specials. Like double weakness on special 1, or double poison/incinerate on special 2.

    Now, if that is a bug, and it really is supposed to trigger everything all the time that would make GG significantly stronger as a character and greatly increase his special damage.
  • Adam666420Adam666420 Member Posts: 28
    Well the sig ability says super bomb triggers all bag of tricks effects . Not partial or % chance . And what I’ve been saying is when it works , all effects trigger , but a couple times in aw , it literally just said superbomb and didn’t trigger any effects. Would be nice if Kabam would clarify this issue .
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Hey @Adam666420. Super Bomb is indeed supposed to proc all of the effects at once, so if it's not, I definitely want to take a look. Can you let me know some specific fights where you've seen this? Your Champ, enemy Champ, your Device and OS? Thanks!
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Fought heroic doc ock with my 3*, and I can confirm, I get the "Super Bomb" text, but no effects. And sometimes, all the effects except for the power drain trigger
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  • Adam666420Adam666420 Member Posts: 28
    It was in aw , using 5* r4 GG against regular spidey (39) and dorm(48) and again main boss (obviously all effects wouldn’t trigger against him) but none of them did, and “super bomb” text showed up. Using iPhone 7 lastest version iOS . He now is on defense until you guys can quickly gets bugs worked out . He’s a sub par champ at best , without superbomb working correctly I feel like I wasted 63 5* sig stones to get superbomb to trigger more often. Thanks for the help, hope to hear an update soon.
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    Kabam Wolf wrote: »
    Hey @Adam666420. Super Bomb is indeed supposed to proc all of the effects at once, so if it's not, I definitely want to take a look. Can you let me know some specific fights where you've seen this? Your Champ, enemy Champ, your Device and OS? Thanks!

    Ty for checking on this Wolf.

    I have a 3 star duped GG that I tested the sig ability with and didn't realize this was a bug. It often procs the effects at random, meaning it will proc some, but not always all of them. I assumed that was just the way it worked.

    Like, it's not uncommon to get 2 of the effects and not the rest, and particularly on the special 3 just sometimes fizzles completely. In other words when I play him it will sometimes trigger everything, just part of it, or nothing like it's rolling chances for a proc on every individual effect.

    I'm on iphone 6 and fully updated.
  • Adam666420Adam666420 Member Posts: 28
    Any update @Kabam Wolf ?
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    Yeah so maybe it's fixed this next patch? Idk.
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