Should I run suicide

I have been thinking weather I should unlock suicide mastery and try it after I r4ed Corvus. Here is my top 5 star and 4 star champs, my main task at the moment is to 100% UC monthly event and epic side event without using lots of unit, also for completing and explore Act 5. I won’t do aw for a while so war defense is not a concern. 4/55 Corvus and magik are my most used champs, but I also use 5/50 nick fury, quak, omega, void, 3/45 Emma and imiw quite a lot.

Should I run suicide 16 votes
Emma and Iron Man Iw are also suicide friendly. But Magik needs her limbo to regen back health.
I run 5* omega and 4* CG in AQ and ghost in AW. So I also unlocked Double edge first and difference of omega's damage was huge.
No problem in running partial suicide. But try to get atleast 1 point in coagulate mastery as well.