I have 5star 1- Ghost 2- nick fury 3- blade All three are awaken Whome to make 5/65 I am so confused please help me and tell me about who would be best among them
Need more context. Is this your first R5 champion? What content are you looking at next? Who else is in your roster? Is there any specific holes in utility that you need these three champs to fill?
Need more context. Is this your first R5 champion? What content are you looking at next? Who else is in your roster? Is there any specific holes in utility that you need these three champs to fill?
This would be my first 5 stAr bro For 5/65 Rest all are 4/55
Need more context. Is this your first R5 champion? What content are you looking at next? Who else is in your roster? Is there any specific holes in utility that you need these three champs to fill?
I play act quest and event quest along with alliance events only bro Completed ROL Not tried even LOL
Ghost is boring imo, plus preferable with all those synergies, where only wasp is useful. Antman is just bad, hood is occasionally useful, but not the best nullify champ Fury is awesome. I'm currently doing v4 exploration, and using him as 3* and 2* all the time
I have all 3 of them, and while the BIG specials are very satisfying to launch, Fury is just soooo much more fun to play. And he’s no slouch. Like, at all. I was shocked at how good he turned out to be once he is awakened. Shocked.
Nick is so versatile, and doesn't need synergies to do major damage. Melts anyone who bleeds, counters evaders/autoblock, and has a second life that delivers crazy burst damage. He's one of the only 4*s I use at this point, and is still an MVP. I'd rather take him against Thing than my 5* r4 Blade.
For 5/65
Rest all are 4/55
Completed ROL
Not tried even LOL
Fury is awesome. I'm currently doing v4 exploration, and using him as 3* and 2* all the time
Come and vote
Nick on 41%
Blade on 11%