So About Those Reworks

So it has been 2 months since the community choice champion rework poll where Hulkbuster won and there hasn’t been any word of it since. Is the Hulkbuster update still going to happen and when? Also will Daredevil be included since he was second place and you do two reworks at a time?
Also as a side note is there any more information on the champion buff/nerf program with Torch, Annihilus, Maw, Cull, etc.?
Also as a side note is there any more information on the champion buff/nerf program with Torch, Annihilus, Maw, Cull, etc.?
I have resorted to start hoarding crystals because i'm maxed on science and cosmic T4 with Torch and Cull sitting at r3 ready to go up.
I’d give it another month or 2. Baring some HUGE I foreseen situation I’d expect them to give some info some time after the new year.
@Kabam Miike can you help us out bud?