You must clarify gifting crystal rewards! T2A?

Given yesterday’s multitude of T2As from the free gifting crystals, why has there been no response from Kabam? The same gifting crystals for sale now very likely do not contain T2A, but Kabam have not stated this, so it is false advertising by omission!
Kabam need to respond.
Kabam need to respond.
The gap between the rewards is HUGE.
I personally got 1250 3* shards and a small amount of gold in my main and 500 4* shards, 600k gold and a t2 alpha in my side account. I don't mind players getting good rewards but the difference shouldn't be this big.
Since we can buy them now and not just get from calendar I think Kabam should clarify.
Kabam gave out free gifting crystals, which contained whole T2A.
Kabam then placed the same (by appearance and name) gifting crystals on sale for 15 units, which players are now buying on the assumption that these also contain T2A.
If between those two actions Kabam fixed the crystal to not give out T2A, and didn’t tell anyone, then that is bait and switch, which is a form of sales fraud.
Therefore, if Kabam have done this then there needs to be an apology very quickly, a refund of everyone who has bought this mis-represented crystals and compensation.
Note - if anyone has got T2A from the purchased crystals, or seen it on the visual representation then please speak up, but I haven’t heard of any.
I then bought the 15 unit ones and instead saw t1a in the reel and no t2a.
so it seems like the crystals had the wrong item in and they pushed a fix for it since it didn't mention in the description of possible rewards or have it highlighted in the top rewards you see when you go to the crystal, which makes no sense as t2a is by far the best reward you got could out of all the stuff in the crystal. Not to mention as far as i am aware you can't even get a fully formed one from the GGC.
They should however send out a in game mail and a forum post to state that there was a bug with the initial crystals and it has now been corrected so people don't assume they can get a reward that is not available.
I know a few people who got t2a from the free crystals and it showed in their inventory as t2a and so it wasn't a visual glitch.
I can understand how you might get a bit frustrated seeing people get that much better rewards, in fact better than what should be possible. I personally don't feel they need to take anything back from those who benefited from this "bug".
But maybe they could offer something extra for the rest of us, in some form of bonus reward?
Most importantly, they should adress this! So that we know what we actually can get from these crystals we can buy (and what we cannot get from them). That way they make sure players don't have unrealistic expectations for these crystals.
It's fraud. Plain and simple.
Stop crying because you can't understand the legal and ethical ramifications of that. Kabam is liable.