Russian names BUG

cherascheras Member Posts: 112
I have found a top champ 5* Ronan for my duel practice target but the problem is MCOC copy n paste summoner's name has been disabled.

How do I duel this Russian Ronan ?


  • cherascheras Member Posts: 112
    I know i can key in the alliance name to find this player but that takes very long time and what if this player left the alliance, how do i find this player again ?
  • Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 756 ★★★
    edited December 2019
    It really doesn't take that long using the tag. Find the alliance, then find the player.

    And you can't copy and paste any names in MCOC, by the way.
  • cherascheras Member Posts: 112

    It really doesn't take that long using the tag. Find the alliance, then find the player.

    And you can't copy and paste any names in MCOC, by the way.

    what if this player left the alliance, how do i find this player ?
  • Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 756 ★★★

    It really doesn't take that long using the tag. Find the alliance, then find the player.

    And you can't copy and paste any names in MCOC, by the way.

    what if this player left the alliance, how do i find this player ?
    Switch your keyboard to russian and search for him, I guess.
  • cherascheras Member Posts: 112
    I key in _Pent but i found nothing about this player, anyone help ?
  • Toyota_2015Toyota_2015 Member Posts: 756 ★★★

    I key in _Pent but i found nothing about this player, anyone help ?

    That's not an N in his name, it's some other character.
  • cherascheras Member Posts: 112

    I key in _Pent but i found nothing about this player, anyone help ?

    That's not an N in his name, it's some other character.
    Yes I know, its hard.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    What do you mean the Copy-n-Paste has been disabled ?

    Where are you attempting to do the COPY from ? It has never been available to click-hold-highlight directly on a summoner's Profile Page in game. Nor has it ever been available to (same) from in global/alliance chat or PM chat messages within game.

    But you can Highlight / COPY from any Forum chat up here or Duel Target Spreadsheet Link people maintain, and then do PASTE into a Search for Summoner entry box within game.
    That is how people do it.
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Overall this discussion brings up the suggestion of making search easier in game. I moved this discussion to adjust for that. As for the topic of it, I totally get what you're asking and I'm going to bring it up. I'll mention the idea (that's been mentioned before) of searching by Champion. It's been discussed, but not a super top priority.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    Sounds great Vydious 😀

    In conjunction with adding search by Champ, could it also include searching either by different “Star” rarities, or at least by a range of PI maybe like Easy/Medium/Hard/Expert.
    That would let summoners of different progression be able to find someone at least not too far out of reach from their own.

    But (as OP was wanting to do), it would be good if people's Profile Page could also be changed to allow for a HIGHLIGHT AND SELECT/COPY of at least the Summoner's Name, Alliance Tag, and Alliance Name portions from someone's Profile Page.
    That way if you do find someone of note, and they happen to have foreign or other characters in those text fields for Name/Tag/Ally, you would be able to HIGHLIGHT and COPY it for pasting into chat or saved reference docs, etc.

    Changing those fields on Profile to be “text fields” (non-editable of course) should then allow someone to Highlight the text.
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